descriptive correlational design definition by authors 2020

Correlation Research Design - SlideShare 1-3 Section 1-3 Aeronautics and Space OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF reports. Data base description for the Generalized Digital Environmental Model ( GDEM -V) (UDirection FCT Flux-Corrected Transport scheme GDEM Generalized Digital Environmental Model GISS NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies GRD, Observed intra-cluster correlation coefficients in a cluster survey sample of patient encounters in general practice in Australia, Background Cluster sample study designs are cost effective, however cluster samples violate the simple random sample assumption of independence of observations. Two functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have suggested that the FTI can measure the influence of these neural systems. Participants were able to learn to increase their automation reliance levels when they encountered the same type of recommendation again. Younger speakers' descriptions to the familiar partner were shorter and were initiated more quickly than were descriptions to an unfamiliar partner. High transferability is proven through assessment over various SiC polytypes, silicon and diamond. Towards health care process description framework: an XML DTD design. Project Descriptions for the 2009 award recipients of the Environmental Justice Small Grants Program which is designed to assist recipients in building collaborative partnerships that will help them understand and address the environmental and/or public health issues in their communities. We then focus on constructing synthetic multiplex networks, proposing a series of models to reproduce the correlations observed empirically and/or to assess their relevance. [software, Simple Parametric Model for Airfoil Shape, Structural Element Testing in Support of the, Longitudinal study of rural health workforce in five counties in China: research, Age-related differences in communication and audience, Computer-based evaluation of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment patients during a picture, The Lifestyle Behaviours and Exercise Beliefs of Undergraduate Student Nurses: A, Do all pure entangled states violate Bell's inequalities for. Several factors may have influenced the results that should be acknowledged when designing further research. PMID:29204457. The latest design is described in detail. The objective of this study was to learn more about women's perceptions of the nurse-midwifery practice of "being with woman" during childbirth. This paper introduces an extension of previous work on decision-theoretic designs for a series of phase II trials. The FTE synchronizes processors within the VMC and synchronizes redundant VMCs to each other. Incorporating Descriptive Assessment Results into the Design of a Functional Analysis: A Case Example Involving a Preschooler's Hand Mouthing. Jones, Kenneth M.; Graff, Thomas J.; Carreno, Victor; Chartrand, Ryan C.; Kibler, Jennifer L. Pairwise Trajectory Management (PTM) is an Interval Management (IM) concept that utilizes airborne and ground-based capabilities to enable the implementation of airborne pairwise spacing capabilities in oceanic regions. Descriptive/Correlational Research Any scientific process begins with description, based on observation, of an event or events, from which theories may later be developed to explain the observations. A complete description of input and output along with sample cases are included. This correlator is designed for a Passive Millimeter Wave Imager intended for the detection of contraband items concealed on human body. A descriptive study of adherence to lifestyle modificationfactors among hypertensive patients. Twenty-eight people (11 men, 17 women; age = 25 5years, height = 1.71 0.10m, mass = 77.6 17.3kg) were recruited for investigation of intratester and intertester reliability of the DPMM technology; 20 (10 men, 10 women; age = 24 2years, height = 1.71 0.09m, mass = 76 16kg) for investigation of DPMM and CMM reliability and concurrent validity; and 111 (42 men, 69 women; age = 22.8 4.7years, height = 168.5 10.4cm, mass = 69.8 13.3kg) for development of a descriptive data set of the DPMM foot measurements with moderate to high intratester and intertester reliabilities. Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins, 1991. Research Design : Descriptive Studies - Harper, David B.; Cook, Anthony; Hostetler, Chris; Hair, John W.; Mack, Terry L. NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) recently developed the LaRC Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) to make measurements of aerosol and cloud distribution and optical properties. In the case of spin-unrestricted DFT (UDFT), non-dynamic electron correlation effects enter the calculation both via the X functional and via the wavefunction, which may cause a double-counting of correlation effects. It has been suggested that reading and English aptitudes are related to formal writing ability, yet neither the reading nor the English aptitudes of undergraduate nursing students have been described in the literature, and the relationships that reading and English aptitude have with formal writing ability have not been explored. All rights reserved. Fisher, Helen E.; Island, Heide D.; Rich, Jonathan; Marchalik, Daniel; Brown, Lucy L. A new temperament construct based on recent brain physiology literature has been investigated using the Fisher Temperament Inventory (FTI). For interpretation and discussion, please see the original article entitled, "Designing curriculum to shape professional social media skills and identity in virtual communities of practice" (J. Novakovich, S. Miah, S. Shaw, 2017) [1]. The manufacturing and construction plans, and the preparation of a potential site on Oahu, Hawaii, are documented. Evidence from descriptions of significant others, famous people, and works of art. Our goal was to create a description characterized by a small number of parameters with easily understandable meaning, providing a tool to alter the shape with optimization procedures as well as manual tweaks by the designer. Aragon workers' health study--design and cohort description. Although some specialists recommend screening or treating all pregnant patients for BV, the current practice of not screening or treating all pregnant patients seems warranted until definitive findings establish a conclusive correlation between BV and preterm birth. Establishing appropriate reliance on DSSLT is contingent on the system developer's ability to provide users with information about the system's future performance. Participants were asked to taste, remember and successively recognize samples of wines within a larger set in a two-by-two experimental design: (1) either individually or in pairs, and (2) with or without the support of a sommelier carda cultural linguistic tool designed for wine description. Monitored Geologic Repository Project Description Document, The primary objective of the Monitored Geologic Repository Project Description Document (PDD) is to allocate the functions, requirements, and assumptions to the systems at Level 5 of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System (CRWMS) architecture identified in Section 4. Performance of Language-Coordinated Collective Systems: A Study of Wine Recognition and Description, Zubek, Julian; Denkiewicz, Micha; Dbska, Agnieszka; Radkowska, Alicja; Komorowska-Mach, Joanna; Litwin, Piotr; Stpie, Magdalena; Kuciska, Adrianna; Sitarska, Ewa; Komorowska, Krystyna; Fusaroli, Riccardo; Tyln, Kristian; Rczaszek-Leonardi, Joanna, Most of our perceptions of and engagements with the world are shaped by our immersion in social interactions, cultural traditions, tools and linguistic categories. A cross-sectional and descriptive correlational design was used. Standard error of the mean was quoted in 19(37%). The reverse was true for Medicare spending. Andreev, A V; Kivelson, Steven A; Spivak, B. Suggestions for further extensions to the system are also given. It is especially relevant in mixed method research, in questionnaire development and in research projects aiming to gain firsthand knowledge of patients', relatives' or professionals' experiences with a particular topic. Linear analysis results include closed-loop eigenvalues, stability margins, robustness to changes in various plant parameters, and servo-elastic frequency responses. Overall 68 RCTs were identified. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy of diffusion probed with a Gaussian Lorentzian spatial distribution. With the increase m the growth of health usage and monitoring systems (HUMS) in commercial and military domains, the need far the design and evaluation of HUMS architectures has also been on the increase. Sometimes these are referred to as " correlational " or " observational " studies. Transcriptions and audio recordings of the Cookie Theft picture description task were used. Descriptive Research and Qualitative Research | SpringerLink As prescribed in 14.201-6(p)(1), insert the following provision: Descriptive Literature (APR 2002) (a) Descriptive literature, as used in this provision, means information 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 2 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Descriptive Literature. Moreover, the dose of paroxetine was higher in patients treated with laxatives than in those without laxative use. A correlational research design investigates relationships between variables without the researcher controlling or manipulating any of them. Furthermore, the results also indicated that if the design professional was perceived to be male, there was a higher tendency that he would be perceived as homosexual, especially by a male respondent. These methods usually focus on estimating the variance. Opt. A distinction is made between journals that are entirely tangible and those that contain, Bergman, Lawrence David (Inventor); Mohan, Rakesh (Inventor); Li, Chung-Sheng (Inventor); Smith, John Richard (Inventor); Kim, Michelle Yoonk Yung (Inventor). Each of the three research designs has specific strengths and limitations, and it is important to understand how each differs. For p0.05: Stress was positively correlated with impaired thyroid and hepatic function. descriptive correlational design definition by authors 2020 The major issues encountered and solutions proposed are illustrated concerning the voice- coil actuator development, optical switch design, fatigue life of the flexure components and the adaptation of the launch locking device. Of these, maybe one-third of them have actually been built and only a few of those tested. Administration format was unrelated to individuals' mind-mindedness scores. AUTHOR(.) Main references for further, Floor plans and photographs illustrate a description of the Samuel C. Williams Library at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N.J. A descriptive, correlational design was used. It is shown that these long range correlation effects are caused by the self-interaction error (SIE) of standard X functionals. 2017 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. [Evidence based practice of nurses working in university hospitals in the French speaking part of Switzerland: a descriptive and correlational study, Gentizon, Jenny; Borrero, Patricia; Vincent-Suter, Sonja; Ballabeni, Pierluigi; Morin, Diane; Eicher, Manuela. Data collection included questionnaires of personal characteristics, learning style preferences, determined by the Dunn and Dunn Productivity Environmental Preference Survey, and videotaped complex nursing simulation scenarios. The experiment provides necessary experience with data collection and. It is currently being developed with mainly horizontal oil producers. Independent descriptive (correlational) and functional (experimental) analyses were conducted to determine the extent to which the two methods would yield data supporting similar conclusions about variables maintaining the self-injurious behavior (SIB . Spending growth was weakly positively correlated across HRRs. Objectives: This study aimed to audit nursing care based on a nursing process model. Increasing the publication rate of systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials would provide more high-quality evidence to guide evidence-based physical therapy practice. Adaptation of object descriptions to a partner under increasing communicative demands: a comparison of children with and without autism. A correlation is defined as a process of measuring two variables - understanding and assessing the statistical relationship between them with no influence from any extraneous variable. [Hardware, Not Being Able to Talk was Horrid: A, The association between stressful life events and depressive symptoms among Cypriot university students: a cross-sectional, Predicting negative drinking consequences: examining, Combination of Wavefunction and Density Functional Approximations for Describing Electronic, Utilization of community-based health planning and services compounds in the Kintampo North Municipality: a cross-sectional, Experimenting with Impacts in a Conceptual Physics or, Comparability of nurse staffing measures in examining the relationship between RN staffing and unit-acquired pressure ulcers: a unit-level, Data to inform a social media component for professional development and practices: A, Metabolite profiling of soy sauce using gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry and analysis of, Fluctuating local field method probed for a, ATLAS, an integrated structural analysis and, Synchronous meteorological satellite system, Under What Circumstances Does External Knowledge about the, Jordanian Men's and Women's Attitudes Toward Intimate Partner Violence and Its, Local Descriptors of Dynamic and Nondynamic, Development Challenges of Utilizing a Corner Cube Mechanism. This work is based primarily on barium strontium titanate (BSTO) ferroelectric thin film based tunable microstrip filters for room temperature applications. Quantification of selected aroma-active compounds in strawberries by headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography and correlation with sensory descriptive analysis. The purpose of the Dynamic Infrared Background/Target Simulator (DIBS) is to project dynamic infrared scenes to a test sensor; e.g., a missile seeker that is sensitive to infrared energy. This paper discusses only four elements tests three of which include joints and one that includes a tapering honeycomb core detail. This descriptive correlational study explored the relationship between BV and preterm birth, using retrospective chart data from a purposive sample of 103 women (for a power level of 95%) from one rural obstetric-gynecologic clinic. Recall that internal validity is the extent to which the design of a study supports the conclusion that changes in the independent variable caused any observed differences in the dependent variable. The most computational intensive treatment required by the correlation is the transformation from spatial to spectral domain and then from spectral to spatial domain. To show the changes of the propagation% parameter along scales, a wavelet running cross-correlation was used. Both variables change in the same direction. Descriptive design furnishes the researcher with an opportunity to gain insight into the problem itself. The description includes: (1) statement of purpose, including general objectives of science education; (2) a list of six course objectives; (3) course content for units on sound, light, optical instruments, electrostatics, current electricity, Michael Faraday and. Our result implies that the exclusivity principle might be one of the fundamental principles of nature. A descriptive study is one in which information is collected without changing the environment (i.e., nothing is manipulated). A fundamental element of descriptive reporting is a clear, specific, and measurable definition of the disease or condition in question. What is a Correlational Study? These characteristics were first, ensuring an official invitation had been extended and the need for assistance had been identified. Nguyen, Manh Cuong; Yao, Yongxin; Wang, Cai-Zhuang. While perceived lack of information received was associated with not feeling in control (rs =.41) and helplessness (rs =.41). Possible model implementation in FPGA chips and its management by object oriented software in Java is described. The Cryogenic Orbital Nitrogen Experiment (CONE) is a LN2 cryogenic storage and supply system demonstration placed in orbit by the National Space Transportation System (NSTS) Orbiter and operated as an in-bay payload. Sansone, Giuseppe; Pfeifer, Thomas; Simeonidis, Konstantinos; Kuleff, Alexander I, Electron correlation, caused by the interaction among electrons in a multielectron system, manifests itself in all states of matter. Results showed that, for 71% of participants, the descriptive and functional analyses matched. College student drinkers (N = 198, 63% female) participated in an online survey assessing frequency of pregaming, descriptive norms, and hypothesized moderators. Because allocation is usually by cluster, SWDs are often viewed as a form of cluster-randomized trial. In writing the descriptive essays, a, Modular hardware synthesis using an HDL. Self-reported characteristics of participants were examined, and correlates of rectal STI positivity were analysed. With ever higher numbers of data sources and increasing data acquisition rates, dealing with EO data is indeed a challenge [1]. Peterson, E. M.; Bailey, J.; Mcmanus, T. J. Like newspapers, good descriptive reporting answers the five basic W questions: who, what, why, when, where. Bipolar disorders (BPD) are chronic mental illnesses, the development of which involves genetic factors and environmental influences. To make JTC recognize thermo targets, an infrared telephoto lens is designed in this paper. This report presents a description of a process for instructional system design, identification of the steps in the design process, and determination of their sequence and interrelationships. Unlike past spacecraft power systems, the SSF EPS will grow and be maintained on orbit and must be flexible to meet challenging user power needs. of Education, Oklahoma City. Discussion Qualitative description is a useful qualitative method in much medical research if you keep the limitations of the approach in mind. In general, the uterine contraction signals are very complicated. Family functioning was negatively correlated with IPVAS scores ( r = -.22, p = .00). Early descriptions of acromegaly and gigantism and their historical evolution as clinical entities. Our construction of the optimal free model is non-perturbative in nature; thus, it offers a theoretical framework for investigating strongly correlated systems. The aim of the authors of this study was to assess the prevalence of health-promoting lifestyle behaviors and their correlates among Vietnamese female immigrants in Taiwan. At a basic level, the presence of such correlations implies a certain degree of predictability in the contact pattern, as we quantify by an extension of the entropy and mutual information analyses proposed for the single-layer case. We designed and fabricated a fully automatic fast face recognition optical parallel correlator [E. Watanabe and K. Kodate: Appl. The common theme of the lectures is thus the importance of random matrix theory in a wide range of fields in and around physics.less, An Investigation of Nurses Job Satisfaction in a Private Hospital and Its Correlates, Background: Nurses job satisfaction and job stress are important issues regarding their turnovers. The three domains of psychosocial adjustment scores (positive emotions, negative emotions, and social life) were 17.60 4.093,12.92 3.440, and 19.15 6.316, respectively. ; Kukharenko, Y.A. Fast Face-Recognition Optical Parallel Correlator Using High Accuracy Correlation Filter. This study examined the reasons for the failure of small businesses in Liberia. To elucidate the consequences of this popular procedure, we apply a combination of DFT with the Anderson impurity model (AIM), as well as DFT + U for a calculation of the potential energy surface along the Co/Cu(001) adsorption coordinate, and compare the results with those obtained from DFT. Multi-center trials (71%) were frequent. Several observations about the current state of the program planning literature are made, and recommendations designed to strengthen the literature are offered. But there were no significant associations between fatalism and cancer fear with screening. The purpose of this study was to describe the procedure and results of salivary cotinine testing and to examine correlations between cotinine levels, self-reported smoking behavior, and other demographic variables in outpatients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs). Flexible Description Language for HPC based Processing of Remote Sense Data, Nandra, Constantin; Gorgan, Dorian; Bacu, Victor, When talking about Big Data, the most challenging aspect lays in processing them in order to gain new insight, find new patterns and gain knowledge from them. Constipation is a common clinical problem with insufficient attention. We are using a quasi-2D Fermi liquid model to estimate the fundamental parameters of these very interesting materials. Children's postoperative pain is inadequately managed worldwide. REQUIREMENTS FOR PREPARATION, ADOPTION, AND SUBMITTAL OF IMPLEMENTATION PLANS Control Strategy 51.111 Description of control measures. We develop a hydrodynamic description of the resistivity and magnetoresistance of an electron liquid in a smooth disorder potential. Narrative analysis using descriptive quantitative frequency count supported the rankings of most preferred treatments of selected stomal and peristomal complications. The results produced a mean grade of 11.3 with a range of 8.9 to 14.8. A comparative evaluation of surface morphology of the MSIs before placement and after retrieval defines a correlation between the architecture of the MSIs and the bone- implant contact ratio. A significant positive correlation was found between informational support and satisfaction with care (r=0.741, p. Scalable descriptive and correlative statistics with Titan. Package describes commercial domestic-hot-water heater with roof or rack mounted solar collectors. The radiographic active inflammation score demonstrated a strong positive correlation with endoscopic score (r = 0.83; P = 0.0004), but only a weak nonsignificant positive correlation with histopathologic score (r = 0.492, P = 0.087). A descriptive correlational design is a quantitative research design. Both situations are unfavourable as the first one decreases the power and the latter one leads to a waste of resources. A Descriptive and Evaluative Analysis of Program Planning Literature, 1950-1983. Descriptive research is usually defined as a type of quantitative research, though qualitative research can also be used for descriptive purposes.The research design should be carefully developed to ensure that the results are valid and reliable.. Next, you need to choose the descriptive research design. It is important that this metallic phase undergoes the transition into the superconducting state; as a result, our analysis is directly related to the origin of high T(sub c). A PCA plot was built to understand the aroma contribution of principal components. This descriptive report provides information on the. In the initial 587 study participants who completed all imaging exams (94.5% male), the prevalence of carotid plaque, femoral plaque, coronary calcium score >1 to 100, and coronary calcium score >100 was 30.3, 56.9, 27.0, and 8.8%, respectively. Turner, Christopher J.; Meichanetzidis, Konstantinos; Papi, Zlatko; Pachos, Jiannis K. Interacting bosons or fermions give rise to some of the most fascinating phases of matter, including high-temperature superconductivity, the fractional quantum Hall effect, quantum spin liquids and Mott insulators. It is shown that the CCD0+DFT description of these species agrees with available experimental data and is comparable with the results given by the highest-level calculations that are possible for such heavy compounds while being, at least, an order of magnitude lower in computational cost. It also helps the research team to see the need for the research. However, for some methods the performance depends not only on the variance but also on the correlation between measurements. The SSF EPS involves multiple regulating elements, two or more in series, prior to the load. Mean informational support, assessed with a modified version of the CCFNI (Molter and Leske, 1983), was 55.41(SD=13.28; theoretical range of 20-80). Interview data were content coded to the interview guide and reviewed by multiple research staff to estimate feasibility according to stepwise completion rates, perceptions of difficulty in step completion, and perceptions of overall utility. Nine per cent of websites demonstrated full compliance with current guidelines on ethical advertising. Also, an Eigen analysis replicated the four clusters of co-varying items. The Loyal Opposition Comments on Plan Domain Description Languages, Frank, Jeremy; Golden, Keith; Jonsson, Ari. Each description contains the following information: purpose, course objectives, outline of course content, list of optional topics, recommended types of evaluation, prerequisites, areas of interest, and curriculum sequence (grade level at which it should be, 78 FR 14649 - Amendment of Class B Airspace Description; Tampa, FL. To achieve this aim, the scheme has so far been scaled up to several communities nationwide as part of government's agenda to improve the general wellbeing of the populace. Design: Descriptive laboratory study. Most nurses provided various types of cognitive information to parents related to their children's surgery, whereas information about children's feelings was less often provided. This report contains a description of the lateral-directional control law, analyses, and nonlinear simulation (batch and piloted) results. Descriptive Analysis of Secondary Special Education and Transition Services Model Programs. Design/methodology/approach: The paper presents the traditional method commonly used in computer graphic stereoscopic vision (implemented in C language) and the, Universal Design for Instruction: Extending the Universal Design Paradigm to College Instruction, Universal design for instruction (UDI) represents the systematic application of universal design, the construct from architecture and product development, to instructional practices in higher education. Distance measures based on GIS and Google Earth evaluation showed close agreement (Pearson correlation >0.99). Snchez-Cabs, Santiago; Abraldes, Juan G; Taur, Pilar; Calatayud, David; Fondevila, Constantino; Fuster, Jos; Ferrer, Joana; Garca-Pagn, Juan Carlos; Garca-Valdecasas, Juan Carlos. The greatest improvements were obtained for facial lesions; these required fewer sessions and remission lasted longer than lesions at other sites. All studies were evaluated for the presence of multiple imaging features. A descriptive correlational design is a quantitative research design. In the following paper a short description of the methods and the test rig that are to be utilized in the project are described. Performance significantly correlated with use of rotational strategy. The design is verified for Xilinx Kintex UltraScale device in simulation and the implementation results are given in terms of device utilization and power consumption estimates. Descriptive research is used to uncover new facts and meaning of a research. Most studies from 1985 (66%) through 2010 (73%) focused on nursing practice issues; in 2010 they focused on primary health (46%) and chronicity (41%). This is a theory-based design that researchers use to gather, analyze, and present their collected data. Historic and regional examples of landscape description represent desirable insight for contemporary professional inventory work. A correlational research design investigates relationships between variables without the researcher controlling or manipulating any of them. Based on these data, we call for a coordinated effort to proactively incorporate ethical considerations early in the design and development of new products. Reporter-Interpreter-Manager-Educator (RIME) descriptive ratings as an evaluation tool in an emergency medicine clerkship. The research design was a cross-sectional, correlational study. descriptive correlational study: Topics by These results suggest that the correspondence between descriptive and functional analyses, at least for inappropriate mealtime behavior, may be higher than that for other forms of problem behavior. 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Beach, R. F.; Trash, L.; Fong, D.; Bolerjack, B. NASA-LEWIS is responsible for the development, fabrication, and assembly of the electric power system (EPS) for the Space Station Freedom (SSF).

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descriptive correlational design definition by authors 2020