joe rogan dr rhonda patrick vitamin d

Like when I have hard workouts and I get in the sauna afterwards, I feel like my recovery's more rapid. The other three that were asymptomatic had as they were, they were spreading sorry, shedding as much virus that could make them, you know, basically contagious and, you know, basically able to transmit the strains. I haven't done. Of course I'm nursing him. Posted on So but she's going to measure the effects on on, you know, on depressed patients. So like people like giving giving the vaccine people's immune response, some people can have that antibody dependent enhancement. And they're not ice baths. It's just fire and wood and it imparts a delicious, smoky flavor to the food. Right. I mean, the things that are like, ironic. Have you ever done the cold shower after your sauna? Well when I do squats for sure, any time I do lunges and squats and heavy leg days, I'm a zombie for two days and like if I have a particularly intellectually challenging podcast I'll skip leg days because I know I'm just going to be too stupid. But, you know, it's like you can't read the comments. And so they were zinc deficient, taking a be twelve deficient, too. And then, you know, it's just really it's hard. This study determined vitamin D provides protection for infections of the respiratory tract. It's like sometimes I just share a story because, one, I think it's interesting. With all due respect, because I love the guy, but he's riding the air time machine in a fucking sauna. Maybe they've like they've definitely like gotten their gotten more on game since then. That's how I first got in that one of my first biological experiments ever because I was a chemistry major in college. But once you get yourself down, you just relax and all of your weight, see how other guys doing it. It's totally different between young and old. So what's interesting is that most people that are sick eating, let's say that people are just eating like five, somewhere between five to nine servings of vegetables or fruits a day. That's when I love it. What are the what are the methods you can use to help boost your immune system, keep your body healthy? Do you do you just need more sleep, though? I mean, it's so ignorant to have no idea. It's five. And that fixation for me keeps me up at night when I lay down. But it would it would raise your body temperature through, you know, infrared. It's your back and it's your back with a disc pushing into the nerves. Yeah. Yeah, those are great. It changes everything. They say it with such authority. I just want to deal with it right now. A link has been established between stronger immune systems and vitamin D levels. And so far, so far, the studies have shown for the most part that children even that are asymptomatic are shedding as much virus as both children that are symptomatic and adults that are symptomatic, meaning they're like they're able to transmit it. With this shelter in place because I like to do outdoor runs and I don't have a treadmill or anything like that. And people that had already normal levels still had a protective effect. And I'm like, I'm not going to get naked before, like a conference. That's going to be coming soon. And then I think you might have moved to Sherman Oaks anyway. Thanks, Joe. What would that have to do with vitamin D? And she needs to be. And then the other thing is that these publications are being uploaded on, you know, before they're peer reviewed. but IV vitamin C is for therapeutic treatment, IV vitamin C is routinely used for sepsis and has been shown to reduce mortality of sepsis patients, especially in combination with thiamine, IV vitamin C has also been shown to improve outcomes for cancer patients and plays a role in fat oxidation, When taken orally, there is a saturation level so once you go above that you excrete a lot in urine but if you look at plasma levels, youre still increasing, Its not something you do daily, its more for a purpose such as fighting the common cold; somewhere between once per week and once per month, Rhonda was receiving once per week prior to shutdown, Zinc is important for immune function and has been shown to dramatically decrease duration of common cold, Zinc is readily available in meat and poultry so there isnt a lot of zinc immune deficiency in the US but vegetarians are more prone to zinc deficiency, Quercetin is actually known to have antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-1, Quercetin has been identified as a possible compound that can clean out senescent cells (non-functioning cells that secrete cytokines and things that age in cells), A lot of studies looking at children that are asymptomatic, symptomatic, uninfected, Children that are asymptomatic are shedding as much virus as children that are symptomatic and adults that are symptomatic, Joe regularly tests himself and tests everyone that goes into the studio, The cloth mask is to prevent you from spreading, not necessarily as protective against breathing in droplets, If youre asymptomatic, a cloth mask will help in preventing spread, Studies showed that women who chew xylitol gum during pregnancy improve the microbiome of their mouth and have children with lower incidence of. So I really I just I really you imagine if vitamin D really did help, like if if there was something that could be given along with the other stuff from DV or whatever, whatever, it's going to be the stuff that we identify, but like vitamin D so, so cheap, it's so easy and so many people are deficient and insufficient, you know, like so yes. You fucks gardening. And like I said, I was like trying to impress Rick. Liquid is a great electrolyte supplements I take. So there's there's benefits with these with the infrared personally. Like, I don't think that's odd. Yeah. Right. It gets gets grosser meditation. Teeter makes this decompression decks. I like 180 Fahrenheit for sure. You should look into the blue light. So so I feel like he's a trustworthy guy. Once the active form is achieved, it travels all over the body while filling a role for several diverse functions including: Building muscles and bones And so the melody, they're they're like, you know, that melatonin is not being produced. Joe Rogan, all one word when you download the cash out from the App Store or the Google Play store to test. And it was burning. Vitamin D may reduce susceptibility to COVID-19 - FoundMyFitness And it's funny how, like, you'll get one grey hair and the other grey hairs that cluster around that one, like the clustering. And unfortunately, coronavirus is one like this has been identified with the sars-cov-2 one virus. It's not if you see what I'm doing. What did they do before where they were saying they cut it, they wouldn't let them? So now, what is the speculation, if there's any sort of uniform speculation as to why when you hear about prisons, where a lot of these prisoners I don't know if you've seen that there's a video going around where one prisoner had SA sars-cov-2, covid-19 or whatever and spitting into a cup and then passing it around to all these other inmates so they could all get it so that they get released. I mean, they're cold and grumpy, I'm sure. Dude, this is really bad. I've been doing it. #1474 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick The Joe Rogan Experience 125 Clips. Joe Rogan welcomed Dr. Rhonda Patrick, a Ph.D in biomedical science and expert on nutritional health, on his hugely popular podcast Thursday to discuss ways to fortify the immune system against COVID-19. Because so many people fucked themselves up by trying to do things on their own and I did and now I'm scared. That's a big difference. Well, yeah. They beat each other with this these branches that are wet. Everybody always told me that they're all sick all the time, that people like their military. At work. Why is it OK? You know, who wants to wear a mask, but maybe to open up the. I was trying to figure that out as well because like the tuberculosis, tuberculosis, one of the types of vaccines they do for TB, I think they do it in like Japan and some other countries where they've got a really low death rate. I mean it hurts, everything hurts. That's why everyone fucks off for holidays twice a year. I wonder if she has that. I love like I love Bob. They're doing doing naked. Right. Really? You get someone who's like like my mom, who she's she's sedentary. That's great. There was a study that linked. Joe Rogan & Dr. Rhonda Patrick Discuss Their Vitamin D - YouTube But I just thought that was a really interesting thing to come across, you know, and then the other sort of on the same, on the same along the same lines as previous you know, previous virus exposure is like something that really seems to be something that is a main regulator of how people like what how you're immune, you know, what your immune response is, you know. I love it. So the point is that I think that I know people don't want to wear masks. Podcast Notes isnot associated or affiliated with the source podcast (unless otherwise stated). OK, what is so good about. That's coming up. They're treating us like we're infants. Yet. Like, if you were having a discussion with a good friend and the good friend was looking at something that you said and said, I disagree because of this. But there's other companies that have isolated from humans that have been infected. It's been like compared like twenty five minutes in the sauna. What does this page grooved outdoor activities. There's been studies correlating it with seasonal affective disorder and all that. And elderly people are more zinc deficiencies not really common in the U.S. So there's one that cross reacts with the Sajko, one which has a very it's very the sequence is very homologous to sars-cov-2 virus. Yeah, I mean, so there are some there's potential biomarkers being identified to react to protein being one inflammation. That the monoclonal antibody you were talking about, the Lomis. That's what I've done in the past. And so this mouthpiece of sleep apnea mouthpiece, it sits in my mouth and the tongue depressor keeps my tongue from sliding back and closing my airway. What is rhonda patrick a doctor of? You told me you'd been tested and I guess got tested again on Sunday, tested. Maybe it was running, running and cycling. Obtaining the correct amount of vitamin D is not possible with diet alone. Trager and the Trager Day Sale goes from May, May 15th, which is tomorrow to well, you'll get this today, May 15th, May 17, 20 percent off all Rob's sauces and liners. I don't know what I don't know what it is and I'm calling my sciatica most of the time. Was burning my ears and my so we were, it was dry for us so I wasn't, I wasn't experiencing that as much but I had to like get on the floor because like I felt like my hair was going to fall out, like I was burnt, you know, it was just so hot. So, you know, we call the first I call the ambulance. So the heat shock proteins directly can activate urinate immune system, but they also have antiviral activity against influenza virus. It's super easy to keep the temperature exactly where you want it to. Legal Zoom Where Life Meets Legal. And thank you to our sponsors. Was acting basically able to you're able to like filter out stuff, whereas dry it was like that makes sense. And if you want to wear a mask in public, that makes sense to, OK, I get it. Kind of weird how there are so many people proposing the OP/study is a shill for vitamin companies, and trying to refute the study based solely off the OP advocating Vitamin D in his post history when you can get substantial amounts of Vitamin D3 from fish, milk, or y'know being out in the sun. I feel for people that are in that state where they realize that they're not they're not happy, they're not happy with their own performance and aren't happy with their life. But so there's been studies looking at vitamin D levels in the Somali population. Yeah. And then, but then I took a step back. I mean, I'm sure I do lots of announcements there. So Class Kov one, the virus that was responsible for the original SARS outbreak in 2002 or something, the Mars One in the Middle East. That is just it is a game like I'm so much more relaxed and this is like I think I've told you the story. So our sauna is like it's pretty small. So it's like basically a battery of feeling things. Have you had an MRI? He it's some claim it's a cultural thing. You know, basically it's made in the skin. Oh yeah. I love it. Because I would imagine it would be simple for them to do that. It was like what you were in twenty twenty now. What about cold shock proteins and the I mean, how much difference is it between taking a really cold shower ice bath versus something like krail cryotherapy, like the place that I took you to. Have you done those ice? So it stretches the spine out and decompresses it and it gives you a lot of relief. Yeah, I think I think Gabby Gabby, Larry's wife, um, she she has a podcast earlier. This episode, the podcast is brought to you by Trager Grills. And in a time when it feels like the world is stopping, they will emerge on the other side of this crisis and show that life goes on just like their distillery has lived through and survived so much. So, you know, so that's if you have the doctor on the Patriot pyramid of supplementation for preventative symptoms of covid-19 or preventative measures dealing with covid-19. I'll find you know al-Thani and see I was looking for my LPT but I was out because that like helps Karmiel. And so they're like they're chewing xylitol gum had a positive effect on the child's oral microbiome. But the interesting thing about vitamin C is, you know, there's oral and then there's intravenous vitamin C and the intravenous vitamin C is what's with seems to be really relevant right now. Yeah. Dr. Rhonda Patrick (@foundmyfitness) has a Ph.D. in biomedical science and is an expert on nutritional health. But how long would you say short lived? Like, I think like a month and a half ago, I mean, I thought I was gonna see body bags in the street like I was I was like, this is like going to be really bad. But after a week, people that had the heat treatment, local heat treatment, had almost 40 percent less muscle atrophy and shoot in animal studies. You know, there there are some claims out there that are sort of being backed up by very poorly done studies. She loves it. If the levels are 20 ng/ml to 29 ng/ml, it is inadequate. That's no. It doesn't do much for the common cold, but when you take two grams, it can help. I mean, New York City got hit pretty hard, but, you know, we have been on lockdown, so that has to be accounted for. I've tried it before. And so that's a very common thing. And his fight for the forgotten charity is doing amazing work. Yeah, and they were less clothes. Cardiovascular. It's something in the environment. Yeah. Right. But the main one of the main things besides age that regulates immune system is like previous exposure to viruses like. Ascorbic acid is the oxidized form and hydrogen peroxide is generated, which is really interesting because it's one of the mechanisms by which at least it's thought that intravenous vitamin C kills cancer cells. She's like, fuck off staying awake. But once a week and they take zinc, zinc plus quercetin for your course time and then sleep, sleep giant and microbiome. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. But it's also good to know that, oh, wait, if I take a higher dose, there is an effect. So, yes. You're always an awesome resource. What you're getting is your lower back. But but the popcorn. They've endured them all, and they feel a great sense of responsibility to help out when they can. So I think that people designing clinical studies like they need that needs to be in their mind before they design their trial. That's who you would depend upon when you wanted to know. So I get back into the sauna and and like, getting back into this like two hundred and ten or twenty degrees on it. But but I know I'm sorry to interrupt you, but do you believe it's important to take it orally as well as I.V.? No. Soft martial arts taichi choung not in groups Chee Kong. Just constant wear for years then. I was like I was just telling them all of it was just kind of you open up basically what were saying, I don't remember. There's like all this stuff about you bleeding, your gums bleed. Not in groups. They jump in the lake and they go back and they're doing this. Like, at first I was. You end up having less A2, which causes like can cause severe lung injury. That's crazy. You may get it a little bit more. I got I get addicted sometimes to things that are really hard to do, just like so in my mind I'm like because it's so hard to stay in there for 20 minutes at two hundred, ten degrees. By one point eight years. Yeah. They either increase or decrease it a lot of times with like hormones, you know, vitamins, things like that. Yeah, well, definitely. In this podcast, Joe Rogan and Dr. Rhonda talk about health truths, myths and expose important information that all should know. So I guess it's good at the end of the day to know that 200 milligrams doesn't do anything because then you go, OK, well, 200 milligrams doesn't do anything. Still, they're still saying and they're still screaming from the rooftops like we can't or people are dying and people are dying every day from everything there are, like you said, testing, too. So anyways, a year goes by. I remember I was on a plane once and there was this guy behind me and he was a kind of a heavy fellow and he was, he was really snoring loud. Rhonda Patrick On Vitamin D & How To Get Enough Of It | goop OK, so it's so the Xyloto you need to get on it. It also correlates. The whole reason I got interested in the sauna was because I was in graduate school doing it like every day. Dr. Rhonda Patrick on The Joe Rogan Experience #1474 So the xylitol gum somehow. But so you go and you do these different they have all these different types and I don't remember. So some people prefer ice baths. So I showed him. So unless, like, there's another like if you test someone and they're asymptomatic at that time of testing, they could be symptomatic. Is that going to look him up? Oh man. Quercetin I got to write so up like pour the for the water on the hot rocks to like just get it really feeling really hot. The Russian bomber. If you don't wear it, do you snore? And then he would go without breathing for multiple seconds. I love this thing because you wear a belt and the weight is actually pull. Well, we don't I don't know. So it's not like a hard core quantitative biomarker which is so badly needed. So you have to after you make it in your skin, it's stored in fat and, you know, it's released. So when when shit goes wrong, they fix it. It was like I want to take two pills of the two thousand. It's hard. For this reason, Dr. Rhonda Patrick is extremely important. And it's and I feel for those people. Rhonda has stated in numerous places she is taking 5,000iu of vitamin D on a daily basis. Yeah. It's like, oh, yeah, you're getting it right in their faces, right? Well, there's a girl there's a girl using that. I don't know if it's a ruptured, you know, because it could be serious. And when you download the cash app, enter the referral code, Joe Rogan, all one word and you will receive ten dollars and the cash excuse me, and the cash app will also send ten dollars to our good friend Justin Bren's fight for the forgotten charity. I was doing Hot Bath and we could talk about that. Thank you. Like the sauna to me is like that's so important because it's giving these people a potential cardiovascular workout. I'll be willing to do it. It's so delicious too. Six weeks later, she's going to do try to do eight sessions like like where she's going to keep these people from. Turns out they were using oral vitamin C, which is like comparing apples to oranges, you know, so but now there's been so many studies, a lot, you know, the Mayo Clinic fucked that up. And that's also that's also known, you know, so I think all those things and then the sleep. They are they're they're like, you know, like I used to never get sick. Like it's not the same at all as before that was known. Like humidity, like the higher the more humid, the better that was. The infrared scanners are like they're like changing electrons. Lifting weights increases bone density, tendon strength, so many different variables that are so huge because as your body gets older, those are the things that go south.

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joe rogan dr rhonda patrick vitamin d