our lady of compassion feast day

It was so when you renewed your consent at the birth of the Savior at Bethlehem, at His presentation in the temple at Jerusalem and finally at the foot of the cross on Calvary. His role in our salvation is absolutely necessary. Due to her feast day on September 15, the month of September has traditionally been set aside to honor Our Lady of Sorrows. 3. The icon is now displayed in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, and the Russian calendar commemorates the feast of Our Lady of Vladimir on May 21. You became the treasurer of God's graces, the channel through which He dispenses His gifts upon earth. It commemorates the profound union of heart that existed between the Mother of the Redeemer and the Savior, through which she experienced many interior sorrows as a consequence of His Mission, but particularly during His Passion and Death. After the prophecy of Simeon, the Scriptures mention that "His father and mother" were wondering at those things which were spoken concerning Him. I entrust my cause to you who are the Mother of Mercy, and I wish to offer you day by day my most reverent love. Figures below show what proportion of half-day sessions were missed by pupils and how this compares to local and national averages. We will list that feast and give as much information as is available about that feastday. Excerpted from Our Lady of Sorrows by Fr. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, pray for the triumph of God's Kingdom upon earth. Mary, Mother of God, at the very beginning of your existence, you received grace exceeding in greatness that of all the saints together, because you were destined to be the Mother of the Redeemer and the mediatrix of the world. You have given to the world the Savior whom the Apostles have proclaimed. Feast, September 12 (Triduum, September 9-11). Its martyrdom began with holy Simeon's prophecy in the temple and was completed on Calvary. Help me to love Jesus with all my heart and to show my love for Him by loving you whom He has loved so dearly. I wish to attend Holy Mass, receive Holy Communion, and visit Jesus in the tabernacle in union with you, in the spirit in which you yourself did so. Your sorrow would be as deep as the sea. Why celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows? - Feroz Fernandes You were beautiful when you stood as the brave Queen of Martyrs beneath the cross of your dying Son; in the supper room beneath the fiery tongues of the Divine Spirit; beautiful, above all, in the glory in which you reign with Jesus. Your blessedness was due to your unexcelled sanctity. When I address the Almighty, I am frequently fearful because of my sinfulness in the presence of His infinite majesty and holiness. 8, 35). 16, 26). (2) You took part in this offering also by the consent which you gave to the whole plan of the Redemption, and by your union of will with that of your divine Son even to the point of His sacrifice on the cross. Your life with Jesus was one of the purest, most fervent, most perfect emotions of love to God, whom you sheltered within yourself. Feast, August 22Octave of the Assumption (Novena, August 13-21) 1. Mary, My Mother, you were laying the foundation of that hidden life in which by the practice of the highest virtues, you were to reach that sublime degree of holiness to which you were predestined as Mother of the Son of God and Mother of all the souls for whom He was to die. Mary, Mother of God, your Immaculate Heart is the Hope of the world. 2. After the most holy and adorable Name of Jesus, there is no name more glorious and more powerful than yours. The Apostles, who had abandoned their Master informed you of your Son's betrayal by Judas and of His brutal capture after His agony. May 24 - Feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians ~ Dom Prosper Gueranger Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day. I am grateful to your divine Son for this priceless gift of God, for by His Passion and death He not only reinstated us in the friendship of His heavenly Father, but also purchased for us all the graces we stand in need of to attain eternal life. You saw the cross raised and heard the mob, not yet satisfied with their bloody work, continue to torment their dying Victim. Having heard the prophecy of your Son's suffering, you almost rejoiced to hear that you would share His suffering. When He changed the water to wine, He did your bidding as God, since as man He could not perform miracles. In heaven all your subjects are crowned by the King of kings, and they pay homage to you. The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows grew in popularity in the 12th century, although under various titles. Your will was one with His, faithful to your promise made at the Incarnation. Although it is true that Jesus in glory, by means of His divine wounds, is our intercessor before the Father and all God's gifts come to us through His merits, you are the all-powerful suppliant, through whom every prayer reaches up to Him and every grace comes down. All your privileges increased your power to love God. Jesus is the most beautiful of men; you were His mould, His mirror, and He, yours. As Co-Redemptrix, you must finish your work by applying the grace of redemption to each individual soul, for only then the redemption is achieved. As the Mother of the Incarnate Son you were so preserved from inheriting original sin that never for a moment was as much as a shadow cast by sin upon your spotless soul. Mary, Mother of God, your death was entirely free from whatever might make death bitter: attachment to the world, remorse for sins and the uncertainty of salvation. It is Mary's selfless act of letting her son be sacrificed for our salvation that makes her the Queen of martyrs. You invite none to come to you but the lowly of spirit. To understand your dignity as Mother of God in all its fullness, we would have to understand fully the dignity of the Son of God whose Mother you are. For that reason you were conceived by your mother, Saint Anne, without even the shadow of sin. PRAYER: O most holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ: by the overwhelming grief you experienced when you witnessed the martyrdom, the crucifixion, and death of your divine Son, look upon me with eyes of compassion, and awaken in my heart a tender commiseration for those sufferings, as well as a sincere detestation of my sins, in order . Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima. Since the conception of the Son of God is all holy, all pure, infinitely removed from every appearance of sin, it was supremely fitting that your conception should be equally far from sin. You spoke in behalf of our human nature and by your consent you sealed forever the union between our human nature and the Son of God. Our Lady of Sorrows | EWTN Jesus is the Son of God by His marvelous and eternal birth "in the bosom of His Father." On April 3rd, the Priestly Society of St. Pius X will have the joy of celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Compassion for the first time in all our houses. more marvelous spirits; He could not have made anything more wonderful than a Mother of God. Mary, My Mother, the word which best summarizes your whole career is "Mother." In your humility you wished to serve others rather than to be served. You did not-abandon Jesus as the apostles did; you remained with Him until He expired. But all graces come through you. The Sanctuary in 1906. Whoever abides in this Church will bring forth much salutary fruit; whereas they who willingly separate themselves from it must wither away spiritually. The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is celebrated in parishes and neighborhoods throughout the country with Masses and dancing and celebration, . By your Divine Motherhood you formed the closest bond of union with the adorable Trinity, the privileged Daughter of the Father, the loving Mother of the Son and the immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit. It has been reproduced many times in copies and in book illustrations. I breathe the name of one who is virgin and mother, Mother of God and Mother of men, my Mother. This truth was confirmed on Calvary, when at the very moment our redemption was to be completed by the death of Jesus, He said to you: "Behold thy son," then to St. John, who took our place beneath the cross: "Behold thy mother." You will be inspired by the overflow of love for Our Lady. Mary, Mother of God, the apostolic mission confided to you as Queen by your Son is to help Him to the end of time in the sanctification and the salvation of all the souls that come into the world. I am afflicted with many sorrows in body and soul, and I take refuge, like a child, in the embrace of your motherly protection. 25. You are a Mother of Mercy to the sinner and the fallen; have pity on me! If to live of the Eucharist and by the Eucharist was the very special spirit of the early Church"And they continued steadfastly in the communion of the breaking of the bread" (Acts 2, 42)it must have been the summary of your last years on earth. You are only a pure creature, who receives whatever you obtain as a pure favor from God. Simeon prophesied it when you offered the little Victim-Savior to the Heavenly Father for the first time in the temple: "And thy own soul a sword shall pierce" (Luke 2, 35). Therefore, no one could ever love me more, after Christ, than you do. 2. Recipes for September ~ Month Dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows - Blogger You love them still, in spite of their sins, and you follow them with your motherly gaze and your prayers. I look to you for the grace of final perseverance and a happy death. 3. He forms Himself in me by supernatural principles, which He implants in my mind; by supernatural intentions and meritorious actions. Through your powerful intercession obtain for them the graces they need. It was, therefore, befitting that you, His Immaculate Mother, destined to cooperate with Him in the work of Redemption, should teach the world, by your submission to the law of purification, this great truth, that humility is the beginning of our salvation, as pride has been the root of our ruin. In your six apparitions at Fatima you made repeated demands for penance and reparation. Mary'S Feast Days - Catholic Tradition From the moment of His entering the world, your loving Son Jesus, was the price of our salvation. He was obedient and immediately arranged with you the celebration of your chaste nuptials. The reredos is in gold relief, being copied from work in the chapel of the Duchess of Newcastle. 2. How much I worry about my physical health! . 3. Realizing that your consent had been made a necessary condition for the accomplishment of the great mystery of the Incarnation, you made the supreme act of obedience and faith when you said, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word." Let not my sinfulness and human weakness stand in the way of my receiving the graces I need for the sanctification and salvation of my soul. Only when I have understood your martyrdom, will I understand the greatness of the love of Jesus for you and the intensity of your love for your Son. Your Heart was also a pure Heart, pure as the light, purer than the snow, free from the stain of original sin, from the least taint of actual sin, from the least evil tendency of our fallen naturea heart full of light and beauty reflecting to the full the radiance of the Sacred Heart of your Divine Son. It is under the mantle of humility that you will protect me. Not all the affection you pour out upon countless other souls lessens your love for me. Mary, My Mother, I unite myself with you in the spirit in which you offered yourself as a sacrifice of love during your lifetime. Joseph was a virgin for your sake, that a Virgin Son might be born of a virginal marriage. As formerly the shepherds and the magi found Jesus close to you, so now may all sinners, unbelievers and pagans find Jesus through you, His Mother. Your apostolic workto snatch souls from Satan and from sin to make them live the supernatural lifeis the very reason for your motherhood. The gift that God conferred upon you when He chose you to be the Mother of His Divine Son, and the grace that was in proportion to that gift, are beyond the understanding of men and even angels. 1. I thank you for consenting to become my spiritual Mother by giving me Jesus. 3. They roamed about in the darkness of sin and despair. King Solomon described your beauty: "Thou art all fair my beloved, beautiful as the moon, brilliant as the sun.". In you I behold the charm of the purest of virgins, the majesty of the noblest of mothers. On the right of the Sanctuary stands the shrine of Our Lady of Compassion, under whose protection the church is placed. 1. Help me to perform all my actions in youto be entirely dependent upon you, taking your point of view, doing all things as you did them for God's honor and glory. You have entered into the highest state of power and glory in Heaven in order that you may help us in our journey through so many dangers to the kingdom of Heaven. Mary, My Mother, I firmly believe that the saints and blessed in Heaven can aid us by interceding for us with God. You will obtain for me grace to be faithful to God during the rest of my life. Help them to become worthy of this blessing through their own prayers and good example. How fervently your mother and father thanked God for having given you to them and begged Him to accept the offering which they were making! All mankind may find a place there as your children, if they only choose to listen to your loving appeal. He was with you not only with His actual grace, touching your heart and enlightening your understanding. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Virgin most pure because you are the Immaculate Conception. You are the channel by which all the favors of Jesus descend upon us, even as it was through you and in union with you that during His mortal life He won for us whatever title we have to His gifts and graces. The Annunciation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. If we could not say that you are the Mother of God for having given a body to the Son of God, then we could neither adore this Body; nor would we have been redeemed by the sacrifice of this Body on the cross, nor would we be united to the divinity in receiving this Body in the Eucharist. Give me a deep sorrow for my sins which have hurt God so very much. 3. Let this be my consolation to know that I am doing God's Will. | Irondale, AL 35210 |. Of course, you never thought of yourself as a sinner for humility is truth, and you knew that you had never offended God. Our Lady of Compassion - roman-catholic-saints.com The Holy Spirit gave you the heart of a bride, all burning with a love pure and ardent. 3. The suffering of Jesus in His dereliction was the most difficult test of your faith. But it has been the will of God, that from first to last, Jesus, as the Victim of atonement for our sins, should be presented to Him by you. I can only faintly imagine with what tenderness the Eternal Father received you, His loving daughter the Divine Son, His chosen Mother; and the Holy Spirit, His immaculate Bride. Here there was a sacrifice, and Jesus was the Victim. They beheld the dwelling place prepared for the Son of God. If I have been blessed with suffering, let me remember that this is the only way I can follow Jesus and you, for He said, "If any one wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me" (Matt. Who can understand the joy you feel to be able to give happiness to the whole world? You consented to be the Mother of the Redeemer at the Annunciation, and thus you were willing to share in the sufferings of the Redeemer. Aside from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, no human heart ever loved mankind as deeply as your Heart. Help me to return unceasing thanks to God for His many favors, and keep me humble in possessing and using them. You had a share in that work; it was part of your life-work. Mary, My Mother, I wish to offer myself as a sacrifice to God in union with Jesus and through your hands. How many afflicted hearts are consoled in you! Neither your long absence from home, nor the inconvenience of a difficult and dangerous journey to the mountain country kept you from making this mission of love. And I am sure there is nothing you want more than that, to see me perfectly dedicated to God even as you are. His Heart is a loving Heart, and that love is symbolized by the flames which St. Margaret Mary saw coming forth from it. Mary, My Mother, when my heart is oppressed with guilt and fear, let me look to you. Mary, My Mother, I realize that I have not always corresponded faithfully with these graces. He was pleased to help others for your sake. Your offering of the bloody sacrifice of Calvary is the perfect model for my offering Holy Mass. You are God's purest and holiest creature, the one chosen to conceive and bear the Son of God. You were the first to offer to the Eternal Father His Divine Son as the Victim for the world's Redemption. The feast is like an octave for the birthday of Our Lady on September 8th. How often I do not know where to turn. This miraculous defeat broke the back . Forgetting yourself completely, you were most intimately united with God. You treasured up all the words spoken by the holy angels concerning your divine Son, as well as those pronounced by the prophetess Anna and by holy Simeon when you presented your Son in the temple, and you prudently pondered them in your heart. Mary, Mother of God, God had a purpose in wanting you and Joseph to become man and wife. With my whole heart I thank God for all He has done for you and for all mankind through you! From your own flesh and blood you formed the body of your Son. Mary, Mother of God, I thank you for being my companion in suffering. Through Joseph your descent from David would be known. In 1913, Pope Pius X, in view of his reform giving precedence to Sundays over ordinary feasts, moved this feast to September 15, the day after the Feast of the Cross. All that I am or have. 1. We ask you to procure for us, by your prayers the great grace of final perseverance so that those who are joined to honor you in the kingdom of your Son on earth may be together always in heaven. Jesus belonged entirely to you, the holiest among women. You "found grace with God" to restore salvation to all men. Help me to imitate your virtues that I may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let me never separate my sufferings from the sufferings of Your divine Son. You were willing to offer Him at this tender age, for the salvation of the world. I cannot secure my salvation without these graces, for it is the grace of God which gives me light and strength to do good deeds. You embrace the universe in the realm of your love and enrich it through your unfailing intercession. You are my Queen, my Lady. It was a life of concealment, and yet Jesus is infinite, the light of the angels and of the whole world. "And thy own soul a sword shall pierce." Your slightest wish carries with it a powerful appeal. 2. Mary, you are Our Lady of Good Counsel because you are the Seat of Wisdom. At your prayer Jesus changed the water into wine in Cana. From your heart we hope to obtain the love of God that He expects from His creatures, and also the pardon that guilty but repentant creatures ask from their merciful Creator. 2. Feast of Our Lady of Compassion - Friday, 3 April, 2020. Once more He renewed His offering at the Presentation in the Temple. The title "Our Lady of Sorrows" focuses on Mary's intense suffering during the passion and death of Christ. It was so when you gave your consent to the divine plan of the Redemption. except through you. God's grace can also do wonders in me if only I do not refuse to cooperate with it. Jesus is the only Mediator of justice, and by His merits He obtains for us all graces and salvation but you are the Mediatrix of grace. Your Heart, Blessed Mother, is always conformable to Our Lord's will. I thank God for the great glory He has bestowed upon you for which all generations shall call you blessed. 1. The Heart of Jesus was a suffering Heart, symbolized by the thorns encircling it, the cross above it, and the gash opened in its side. This was a declaration that all Christians are your spiritual children. Like you, let me learn divine wisdom and see God in all things, so that I may rise from the creature to the great Creator. I am unworthy of that. Mary is the mother of mankind - she watches . Mary, Mother of God, your divine maternity is most cherished by you, because it is a token of God's special love for you. 2. All souls belong to you and your Son. On Feb. 11, 2020, I was ordained a bishop and installed as the fifth bishop of the Diocese of Gary. Jesus is in me, too, through sanctifying grace, I bear within me the supernatural image of the Divine Sonship. But I see the relation between you and the Blessed Sacrament above all in your life after Good Friday when you began your new motherhood at the feet of Jesus in the Eucharist. How precious is your love, my Mother! You possessed a perfect faith, a firm hope, a burning charity, a deep humility, a purity greater than that of the angels. The Expectation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Feast, December 18 (Triduum, December 15-17 or until Christmas). I entrust to you all my anxieties and needs so that through the merits of your sorrows I may bear the trials and sufferings of life with the same love and resignation to God's Will with which you bore yours. By this title I understand: (1) upon your mediation and intercession depends the distribution of the riches of the treasury which Jesus acquired for the salvation of men; (2) consequently, no grace comes to all of us as a body or to any of us in particular which you have not asked for in our behalf; (3) according to the order of things established by God, you have become, under Jesus Christ, after Jesus Christ, and through Jesus Christfrom whom you can never be separatedthe source and principle for us of all supernatural life. It affords Jesus the joy of rewarding you who, with Him, suffered so much for men. Our founder, so moved by her image, vowed to live by her exampleand that's a promise our Mercy Home family still upholds today. Amen! Rather, your sorrows were ordained by God from all eternity as part of the penalty to be paid for sin and were to mingle with the sufferings of your Son in that great sacrifice which was to redeem the world. Though a creature, you gave birth to the Creator. Mary, My Mother, you alone never knew shipwreck in the deep ocean of humanity's crimes. Obtain for me the grace to love God with my whole heartso that all the love my heart is capable of may be consecrated to Him, and all other affection subordinated to the love I owe God. When His side was opened with a lance, a sword of anguish also pierced your Heart. Your loving Son welcomed you with joy. Don Jos's actions made me think of another passage, this time from the Gospel of Luke ( 10:29-37 ). Through your prayers you will obtain forgiveness for my past negligence. As the body of your Divine Son was preserved from the corruption of the grave, so you, from whom He took flesh, were also free from the power of earthly decay. To the Son you give His human nature which allows Him to make full reparation to the honor of His Father outraged by our sins. From Him there flowed heavenwards an unceasing stream of glory, the waves of His grace ever poured over the earth. Help me to strive to imitate your wonderful charity by aiding those who are in need, by sympathizing with those who are afflicted, by opening my heart and applying my hands to relieve every form of distress. Mary, Mother of God, the joyful mysteries of your Holy Rosary remind me of the mysteries in which the Word was made flesh and you, the inviolate Virgin and Mother, performed your maternal duties with holy joy. A Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows on her feast day, September 15: O most holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ: by the overwhelming grief you experienced when you witnessed the martyrdom, the crucifixion, and death of your divine Son, look upon me with eyes of compassion, and awaken in my heart a tender .

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our lady of compassion feast day