thailand agent orange 2021

March 3 (UPI) -- The lesion that President Joe Biden had removed from his chest last month during his physical was a common type of skin cancer, his physician said Friday. I will write a personal note to the VA claims department so he will not be forgotten in this process. I served in Vietnam 1970-71. It has been covered up just how toxic Agent Orange is and how even a small amount if toxic. Im spending out of pocket about $6,000 to $6,500 a year in medications, he said. I served in Vietnam in Long Binh and Saigon area from Nov 1966 thru Oct 1967 in the Army and had Agent Orange sprayed me many times. Being exposed just doesnt stop with the military member. Developed diabetes. I filed an appeal to reopen an agent Orange claim for diabetes from serving on a submarine in the Viet Nam waters for four deployments when the presumption for blue water sailors was approved and put into effect in January of 2020. Veterans harmed by Agent Orange in Thailand hope Congress will hear My father was in Korea and Vietnam and was diagnosed with colon cancer and lymphoma and died shortly after in 1972. Get buddy letter . The burn pits too were gross also! I do have one subjection: STOP starting wars. Not enough die yet? He worked with the top secret nuclear weapons his whole career! Pay them. And on it goes now they are concerned again? Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them Biden awards Medal of Honor to Vietnam Col. Paris D. Davis after 60-year delay. But for future others, recognition of the connection between esophageal cancer and Agent Orange in Viet Nam is. He told me the funeral home would take care of it. My husband was a Vietnam vet. 74 yrs of age. The VA has gradually expanded coverage for Agent Orange-related illnesses in the decades since. We die as you ignore. I am wondering if they are delaying action on the claims until we are all dead? My brother, who was a chopper pilot for the Army in all of the Sand Box regions, has been riddled with cancer for several years now due to benzene and other additives they put in the jet fuel to help make it more stable. A little compensation for Sorry for your loss. Pour toulene on rag, wipe up, and repeat. I dont know if it was specific to Dong Ha. Way to go VA. What about the troops of 7th Division 2 Battalion 31st Infantry 8th Army sent to the DMZ Korea 1967 thru 68? WASHINGTON - U.S. Check in with the VFW or American Legion and they can guide you thru the process. How do I start a claim? My husband passed 10 years ago from bladder cancer as well. Why bother filing again? Tom had wished for years that he could find his friend. I was born while he was in Vietnam and served on camp Pendelton Subic bay Diego Garcia and Camp Hansen all of which are super sites with contamination. During this rather dismal 14 month period I often wondered why so much red tape when the facts were undeniably evident (at least to me!) THANKS FOR POSTING THIS FOR THE VETERNS IN NEED OF HELP. This needs to be mentioned in your claim. We have learned to never trust our government. My father was in Vietnam as D he was a rifle man and jumped out of planes. The va gives you meds but dont wont to give benefits.Our svo where I live dont even wont to talk to you.I tried to get him to make copies of . Veterans Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 Text to 838255 to Get Help NOW . Please switch auto forms mode to off. Why isnt high blood pressure approved as a presumptive under Agent Orange? I have presumed exposure to agent orange. It is complete. Vietnam 66,67 and 68. I had this similar experience-only served immediately after the Vietnam conflict, on a LPH THAT TRANSPORTED agent orange, helicopters and, was deployed to south east Asia, and we took it to dry dock. Sent in all the medical records most of which were already on his profile. All from Agent Orange. I have not been able to secure ANY Squadron Flight Logs either. After a complete resection of my esophagus & upper stomach & removal of the Vegas Nerves in my stomach with follow up radiation therapy, I lost over 70 lbs., which I have never been able to regain. I live in New York. Our 29 year old son has CML Leukemia I believe from Agent Orange. Agent Orange Exposure in Thailand - Hill & Ponton, P.A. I did go to the VA . Usually CML effects much older people not the very young. My husband was a patient at the Temple VA for decades. Attention A T users. Worst of all I now find out the bubblers we consumed water from in our hangers were polluted. Yeah as a BT many times the Asbestos dust was floating like a fog. We filed a claim 2 years ago and recently received a denial. I got nothing for that. Ancestry is likely your best bet. It seems that most veterans who submit paperwork will get denied the first time regardless of their condition or supporting evidence. Ask anyone who served in Vietnam and it was common practice to dispose of human excrement by mixing it with diesel fuel and burning it. My husband did three tours in Vietnam on the USS Chowanoc. Robert, you will be eligible for compensation if you have medical conditions that warrant it. Very same happened to me. It took a number of years, once bladder cancer was put on the potential list , to be approvedwaiting patiently. Almost every county has Crickets.. My husband had Guillain Barre Syndrome for 3 1/2 yrs & never came home he was in different hospitals the whole 3 1/3 yrs & his liver took the best of him. My husband served in Viet Nam and has several disabilities related to agent orange. I served in Desert Storm and continued serving in SWA on and off for another14 years with my last mission in 2004. He stated that they used Agent Orange several times while they were in Korea. I will never believe all the agent Orange was out of the soil and water when he was there. Thank you for nothing. THAILAND, AGENT ORANGE - Veterans Law Office of Amy B. Kretkowski Our son is being treated for bladder cancer. Had thyroid cancer and had it removed in 2018. Posted at 4:58 PM, Feb 08, 2021 . Charles, I assumed that once a person wS 100%, there was no need to further file for illness related to agent orange. I served both in the field and in Saigon. So highly unlikely wed both have it. Spent a year on that Island as many other Vets. What about bases here in the states that stored or disposed of barrels of Agent Orange, like Camp Pendleton? Finally in 2020 he was dx with PSP. i received my disability for heart and Diabeties II. I was a platoon leader in Vietnam with the 1st Cavalry Division in 1969 and Ive been able to locate and contact more than 50 men from my unit. We also had Downs baby and a miscarriage also from Agent Orange. My husband was covered with the stuff in Vietnam and has multiple medical issues that he has been suffering since his late 40s. Hi..I was in the army, 1963 thru 1966.was in the Infantry as a weapon squad leader saving many lives an this tinnitus is bad . Thank you. The only reason not to add it is the cost. Im in pain everyday now, had 3 amputations, and not given any pain meds because it could be habit forming! His primary care doctor believes this was a result of exposure to Agent Orange but a VSO has submitted a claim on my behalf for him. I would rather have died instantly on the battlefield with glory than suffer daily this slow death from Parkinsons developed from the toxic exposure from water at Camp Lejeune. VA Adds Atypical Parkinsonism to List of Agent Orange-linked Illnesses of the V.A. This can never happen again! My lungs and Grovers Disease was not on their list. Prostate Cancer Mary L. Unfortunately you only had one year to continue his claim. File a claim for DIC at or find a good VA advocate to help you. PDF Agent Orange in Thailand - DAV March 3 (UPI) -- Renewable energy company AVANGRID said Friday an agreement to spend $30 million on components supports a final investment decision for a solar power facility in Texas, a national leader in solar power. My dad was poisoned by AO during the war doing decon of planes from Vietnam. The V.A. I have developed arithmia, high blood pressure, diabetes and asthma. I wish I live near you so we help each other out to ease the stress! He served with 101st airborne in Vietnam in 67 and 68. Exactly? Trump legal team requests six-month delay in New York civil lawsuit. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. When will there be support for the children? This spraying occurred a number of times during my time at Anderson AFB in the area we called Marlboro Country. You were boots on ground during the required times. I did all of a If a claim is denied for 20 years and then was the granted at 100%, they saved over $800,000.00. Shameful how they treat these vets!! Client Win: CAVC No. 20-4843, C.Smith v. McDonough (Agent Orange The veteran representative we now have in our county told me that the more that happens, the greater the numbers to have it considered for approval. Try getting your money back on any of this. Both VA and DoD welcome new information on locations for the historical testing or use of tactical herbicides. Thanks for helping the lady above. I was freakwently exposed to agent orange. This in my opinion is a major problem. That is why he called me! When my husband died in 2010, he couldnt even find the paperwork to apply for a grave marker. Dad wanted his compensation to go to his daughters . No one ever told me and zi was too busy trying to survive and raise two kids with a bad case of PTSD and other conditions that affected them! My husband also was there during Tet 67-68. VIETNAM AND THAILAND VETERANS . I agree with every word you wrote. Time is running out for these veterans, Brown said in an email. We contacted A/O via A/O being washed down the mountains into the Tonkin Gulf. My brother in law, a brother since I was little, proud marine, two tours Vietnam, didnt see his first born until she was six months old, died recently of a heart attack brought on by extreme pain and after suffering for years with a brain deteriorating disease caused by AGENT ORANGE. My late husband was a mess sergeant and somehow field combat training. One Veteran is same as the next, if they were contaminated and prove it, they should get help. Updated . Currently, Skinner hopes to make a case before a VA judge in perhaps a year, maybe longer. I was at a base camp in South Vietnam when after taking a short shower, ( limited water ) a chopper flew overhead and spraying Agent Orange in the tree lines when I got another shower, Agent Orange! Good luck. He worked on a base heavy with agent orange. You sound very much like my 51 yr old son. March 3 (UPI) -- The Treasury Department Friday sanctioned three Russian individuals for human rights abuses against a prominent Russian opposition leader. most va employees NEVER served in the military !!! Big news from Iceland Feb. 2021 in the amount of lead in the base, NASKEF, drinking water in the late 90s. I know Agent Orange was the cause of his death and many of his buddies he served with that died around the same time as he did 25 years ago! I was around agent orange. 2 [Discussion Draft] 1 SEC. Im his daughter I was born in 1964 and I have Parkinsons and dystonia and other nurogical problems, and a brain DBS implant, all because of Dystonia, these diseases do not run in either side of my familys. Nam Vet [69 71] Parkinsons Disease So good luck to all who are still fighting the fight. I believe the airmen who were stationed in Anderson AFB in Guam were also exposed to Agent Orange. Some men are so sick they might not be capable of having the clarity of mind to fight for their rights. VA Disability Rating for Agent Orange & List of - Hill & Ponton, P.A. Ive been living with severe motor skill losshad to relearn how to walk and need to keep working even though Im in my seventies and need to hide my tremors and speech difficulties for fear of losing my job. A solution by Congress may be the best approach, some attorneys and veterans advocates say. So it came as no surprise in around 2015 when the VA decided that it was not going to service-connect disabilities to alleged Agent Orange and tactical herbicide exposures in Thailand without the "blessing" of this mysterious little government unit known as the "JSRRC.". This condition, nor the degenerative joint disease I am dealing with, is covered as presumptive by the VA for the Camp Lejeune water contamination affected veterans. He was recently diagnosed with Parkinsonism. Gave me shock treatments and sent me on my way. I try to kick it by running and staying healthy but to no avail. But they were all sprayed.. many times not waiting the 30 minutes to drink. I remember those days. My husband died from gastric cancer and according to the appeals board so did many other Viet Nam Vets. This is a real is not just a problem with females that served and were exposed. Those conditions are bladder cancer, hypothyroidism and Parkinsonism. I have been hearing stories of other children coming down with CML of exposed Vietnam Vets. Exactly,JP fuel, chromate & benzodiazepines as well! He was in Korea 6 mos after the presumptive tome of exposure to agent Orange. Nobody in my family, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nor their children, has what I have. He applied twice for benefits and denied. My name is Nicole Coon. HMC, FMF, USMC, USS America [CVA66]. I have applied for agent orange compensation nearly two years ago. As a result, I was not affected by the many things agent Orange and the poison water from Lejuene contributed to my health. I have had sinus surgery and have to use inhalers to breath. Im an ex-Marine who was stationed at Camp LeJeune (and Camp Geiger) for a total of seven months in 1972. Never hear much about this treatment and the affect it had. U.S. Bases in Thailand During the Vietnam War and Agent Orange I still dont understand why skin cancers are not recognized of all things that were exposed SKIN. My Father Thomas H. Wilson Sr. (Deceased) died on February 14, 1986, after a gruesome battle with Bone, Lung, and, Stomach cancer. Given the ventilation systems used, any contamination that became airborne was pumped into the ships. The VA medical providers do not do this. Asking them to do claims involving Chemical contamination is like asking a Janitor to build the space shuttle, and everyone knows it, but the games and waste of tax payer dollars continue as VA is a self run Government entity that can use logic to make decisions only assimilate like the Borg. Just my venting and 2 cents worth, nothing more,nothing will change. the va dont care about vets !!! I was exposed to agent orange while serving in Korea on the DMZ. By 2014, the front and both sides of his brain completely shrank and was unable to comprehend judgment and needed full-time care. Parkinsons? I inquired to my VA service rep. and he related to me that All decisions are on hold for Bladder Cancer claims until the VA develops final guidance on how to proceed with these claims. Lois I suggest staying on this as eventually it will become clear it was used in Korea, as well as was it ever stored anywhere he was present such as Scoffield Barracks ?? I have heard nothing since. For more information, visit our website at Airborne Hazards and Burn Pit Exposures Public Health. I believe I might get something after I am dead. I had to clean all of this up with no idea that this could be agent orange. Agent Orange Benefits Resources - DVEN He died of lung cancer and I was told after he died I could no longer proceed with our request. HS6 and HC7, both performed Search and Rescue and HC7 was the US NAVYs ONLY COMBAT SEARCH AND RESCUE SQUADRON IN VIETNAM. VA will conduct broad outreach efforts to reach impacted Veterans and it encourages them to participate in the rulemaking process. Hang in there Brother. What is going to be done for families that have already loss loved ones prior to this ruling? Can you help? Sinusitis is already covered. I am so glad bladder cancer will be added to the list. They called me in for tests numerous times and had me interviewed by a psychiatrist, but other than that I never saw a doctor at the VA. Several months passed and I received a litter from the VA in which a doctor stated that he had examined me and found no diabetes or heart disease. Just my own opinion, I have all but given up even trying. I am not a diabetic which seems to be one of the main items that is considered for VA benefits. He is now 100% covered and we are seeing good results from the VA and their care for him. What if your parent submitted a claim for a type of cancer that was only from exposure to agent orange, but passed away shortly after submitting the claim and received a letter stating that the claim was being looked into; does that have any validity to it? What about soldiers who served in Vietnam AND South Korea both of which resorted in exposure to Agent Orange? Good to know that maybe in another 20 or 25 years they might actually get off their butts and help us too. The review board keeps telling me this every time I refile after a new presumptive condition gets named, all five of them as of this writing. Also, the investigation found less use in Thailand and the DMZ then previously reported. I have been diagnosed with Parkinsons disease. I have sinus problem that I never had before being exposed. In Thailand, Agent Orange was used to clear the jungle around bases, as a means to enhance security. 800-829-4833, Veterans Crisis Line: At around 60 I took on the fight which took 14 months of going through their hoops, fighting for assistance. 877-222-8387, TDD (Hearing Impaired) This is important to a number of Airmen as it seems to affect us later in life with lung, sinus and cough issues. Thank god I covered my head with my Fatigue shirt. Saw VSO last month. He passed away July 2012. Doctors say I have many ailments from AO exposure. Politicians carry responsibility also. 9th Division.??? Good luck. Expletive like her should not work for the Veterans Adim.I almost called the veterans hot line I was so depressed.I want to open up my claim again.Help me please. Iserved during the v nam war. How long until a decision is made on an agent orange applied November 2019. He died at the young age of 47 due to cancer in his leg. In one case, at Gulfport, Mississippi, new information received from a Veteran led to changes for that site on the list. My dad served in Vietnam. The only problem is we the wife take care of them but once they pass they give us very little money as surviving spouse . If its carried in the DNA then children are eligible for medical coverage by the VA a part of the DoD since the careless actions by the DoD caused this problem. March 3 (UPI) -- The Interior Department said Friday that it was taking new steps to restore the declining American bison population. USMC, 67-71. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Lung transplant, Nov 1st, 2014. I suffer from hypothyroidism, neurological issues, and have had several episodes of Transient Global Amnesia. Not one time has anyone at the VA offered to help me with claims or appeals for any of these issues. We were exposed to the chemicals daily, and I was at Camp Lejeune during the water contamination years. About 10 years ago I filed with the VA and brought my medical records from my own doctors. I refuse to die just to piss them off! A Youngstown man exposed to agent orange settles with the VA but not as he wished. My name is Beverly Smith and my husband Rodney died 28 months ago with Lung cancer. Daniel Clark Berg. They have requested information for my diseases but I have never heard back from them. If your husband was ever denied a claim for those conditions you should visit your local VSO and request to file a claim for Dependents Indemnity Compensation (DIC) and accrued benefits that would pay you the money he should have been awarded. I am the sole survivor (daughter). Without his help I would never had gotten anything. But trying very hard to keep him home and providing total cares. The representative we now have is efficient and helpful. Agent Orange | DuPage County VA Disability Attorney Appointments. Too late. He battled with many service connected medical/neurological issues including Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) until he died in 2017. Plus i didnt know i had all tha hissing noises rushing air noises till i got out of service. i was stationed in Blue Water off the coast of Vietnam from 1968-1971 on board the USS WICHITA AND THE USS ZELIMA, both of which carried munitions, fuel, food and supplies. I also inquired about a dental cleaning which I have been getting off campus. Add high blood pressure to the list of presumptives. Put in more than 4 hours without pure exhaustion and other affects such as shortness of breathe. My husband and I are both 100% disabled vets and if I could increase my disability to more I would! Will her claim be in archives with the Army I even got a claim number. VA will not make them wait any longer. Copyright 2023 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Some are just collecting a paycheck. She could very well be eligible for benefits. Hypertension should definitely be added,I got hypertension in my early 40s was in Vietnam 70to 71. Its on the VAs own list of bases. A few months later, they removed my thyroid. I now have Parkinsons, off course VA denied my claim . Nevermind that he was likely suffering from the metastatic cancer for the previous few years.undiagnosed. Any others here? 5/60, 3/60. Typically, the VA looks for evidence of duty near base perimeters or fence lines to establish herbicide exposure. Can anyone confirm this or direct me where to find the truth? Tell your Primary you need to see a Neurologist. Maybe Ill still be alive! Marshall retold the story of his years during the Vietnam War where . It took a period of time because, at that time a US Navy Viet Nam veteran had to prove in country service connection. He had filed an Agent Orange claim several times. As Red Green always says Im rooting for you, were all in this together . For the past several years, the VA has acknowledged that veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam (including "brown water" veterans who served on the country's inland waterways) were exposed to tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange and that such . We feel your pain, we also got no benefits for a funeral when my father in law died from Agent Orange. What a deal if you were in county flying into defoliated areas it doesnt count. i have contacted attorneys to fight for me. The smell was bad and if you inhaled the spaying compound one would have a hard time breathing. Wednesday, March 10, 2021. Yet as you suggest, they are simply waiting for us all to die off. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma They will also send you to outside doctors, to prove your claim, do not miss the What about soldiers that were made to take the PB pill to inoculate us from nerve agents during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. The area that I lived in was with the Philippians off base in a jungle area, which was sprayed with a chemical to control the growth of the jungle out side of our barracks. I was in Dong Ha, Vietnam, from Feb 68 to April 69. Go online and look for the name of your state and VA rep and it will pop up with a list. Thank you for your time in reviewing this note. That presumption has been expanded to blue-water Navy veterans. Wasnt Agent Orange used in Vietnam? He has a number of health issues. Vietnam 69 and 70. Lawrence I am so very sorry to hear what they are doing in FAILING to recognize and properly 1) take care of your situation and 2) acknowledge responsibility and approve full 100% benefits. I was in vietnam Quonlo for 14 months. Does anybody know about it ? Many of our Nations Veterans have waited a long time for these benefits, said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough. Veterans who served in Thailand have long contended they face a higher bar in winning Veterans Administration (VA) disability benefits claims, having to clearly demonstrate they were exposed to Agent Orange or other harmful herbicides while their fellow veterans enjoy a presumption that they were exposed. I would love to find others that new him. I served in the Marine Corps from 1972-1979. I am proud to join Rep. Cartwright in introducing legislation that will ensure our Vietnam War veterans who served in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia receive the care they deserve now, and I urge my colleagues in Congress to work across the aisle to support these men and women who have sacrificed so much for our country," Fitzpatrick said in a statement. This AO affected my circulatory system (heart), lungs (everything hits my lungs first), and other issues starting in my early 30s. I have his claims on file in my home. But he trusted McHenry to make the historical case for him and veterans like him. ANY INFO or help would be appreciated. I served 13 months north of Uijeongbu, Korea, during the time that they sprayed AO. I served in Thailand at the end of the war as a crew chief on F-4s. WHY ?? Veterans Agent Orange Exposure Equity Act, IRS begins making final stimulus payments from American Rescue Plan, GAO: VA suicide prevention teams need evaluation amid caseload growth, burnout, Woman's DDT exposure may affect granddaughter's health, study says. The Ultimate Agent Orange Guide for VA Disability Benefits | Blue Water I asked about skin conditions she laughter and told me only after exposure, I showed he phots by military hospital of neck, she said to late! Steven, if you have not yet, check out Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance on Facebook. We filed an Agent Orange claim in 1977 for our daughter was born with many birth defects that are on the birth defects that were caused from the Agent Orange. I am so glad they have finally recognized bladder cancer as a result of agent orange. If you would like my help just let me know. Husband had sinus and respitory issues for years. Ischemic heart disease. I need help! If you dont know what an Anniston vet is, you probably arent one. Boozman, Tester Fight for Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange During Service in Thailand. Dont give up. VA announced today two major decisions related to presumptive conditions associated with Agent Orange and particulate matter exposures during military service in Southwest Asia., [Editor: Separate issues. In October 2020, the VA denied Xenia resident and Thailand veteran Paul Skinner compensation for what Skinner believed was Agent Orange exposure, with the VA informing Skinner in a letter: Your personnel records still fail to show that during your duties you were exposed to Agent Orange or tactical herbicides while performing daily duty assignments at Udom (Royal Thai Air Force Base).. The children of Vietnam are still affected by it. Make your claim ASAP if you havent already. When will we be covered? They can never repay me for my loses or my daughters! Back then I should have reported him. Try to have ALL documents needed for the claim and include docs from research papers on UNDIAGNOSED ILLNESSES IN THE GULF as well as docs on presumptive Diseases from GWI(gulf war illnesses). Unfortunately, not all VA reps are equal. Thailand Military Bases and Agent Orange Exposure - Public Health

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thailand agent orange 2021