kryptonian spoken language

I put the file here if you want to listen. However, there are a few Kryptonian words that have become popular in popular culture. Sometimes seeming incompatibilities can be resolved beautifully, but sometimes the effort leaves you fuming over DC's many reboots. The film Supergirl shows inhabitants of Argo City who also survived by fleeing to a parallel dimension, including Superman's cousin Supergirl. "Truth" of the Girod is the beginning of beginnings. Kal-El (Superman) was born to Jor-El and Lara on 35 Eorx 9998. Supergirl refuses to join him, though Superman reveals he has used Brainiac's technology to turn Batman into a brainwashed slave and threatens to do the same to Kara if she continues to resist. [10] It can be demonstrated that one Kryptonian sun-cycle is approximately 1.37 Earth years, as follows: Using this ratio of 1.37 Earth years per Kryptonian year (amzet), and ignoring any potential Kryptonian leap day and any differences in time of day, one can approximate other units of time: Major events in the Kryptonian calendar include:[17]. How To Learn Grammar For A Foreign Language, Why People Want To Learn A Second Language, Is Learning A Programming Language Like Learning A Language. Add to that the many revisions and inconsistencies between . Sometimes it is to supplement existing material and to provide a richer environment to draw from. The fictional planet of Superman, birthplace of Superman, is known as the fictional planet of Kryptonian or Kryptonese. They did film some scenes that were including spoken Kryptonian later on because they got really excited about it, but it was kind of a last-minute thing and it didnt make it into the final cut of the movie, said Schreyer. Shes also always been interested in Indigenous peoples, and completed a directed study on the Cree language during her undergraduate studies at the University of Winnipeg. in a spirit of brotherhood. Contact me (Darren Doyle) through any of the social media channels above or email. Sanskrit | The goal of the language project was to create a working Kryptonian language accommodating and reconciling as much of the Superman canon as possible. They just used this alphabet to The New 52 introduces a survivor named H'El, a Kryptonian clone who piloted a prototype of the rocket Jor-El uses to save his son and departed Krypton with the planet's historical records. It is the official language of the city of Kyan. It grew out of several fan letters that attempted to rationalize the. The Fortress of Solitude is often portrayed as a recreation of Krypton's surface and a storehouse for all the knowledge that the Kryptonian race had obtained. In the long run, the accent of Superman is never a problem. To be fair, though, a better translation into Kryptonian would use the gender-neutral word for person, Sed. It is a very difficult language to learn, but it is possible for humans to learn it. Yes, Superman is fluent in the English language as well as some others (Superman speaking English) "Is it one of his kryptonian powers?" No. The severe xenophobia of Kryptonian society conveniently explains Kal-El's being the first Kryptonian to leave the planet. With the aid of the Justice League from another universe, the Regime is defeated and the Insurgency works to rebuild. It's really fun not having to look at the subtitles or wonder what's being said and just being able to read the kryptonian text. Together they free Superman's current lover Wonder Woman from imprisonment on Themyscira. Superman's cousin Supergirl also survived Krypton's destruction, as did Kristin Wells, who had been on the run in space at the time of the planet's destruction. WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Batman/Superman #2 by Joshua Williamson, David Marquez, Alejandro Sanchez and John J. Hill, in stores . So a literal translation would render the word: ZIuSod. Self-grown crystals, both natural and synthetic, which covered the vast majority of their planet's surface gave their homeworld a bluish hue when viewed from space and underlay Kryptonian technology. So here is the official Kryptonian and just my own twist to make it easier to write because who wouldn't want to write in Kryptonian? Thank you so much for your comment, I'm a huge fan of your work! Unless the producer/director is concerned about the actors accent, it is his or her prerogative to choose one. For the beginning of the truth is the beginning of the Girod. Schreyer began her journey quite young she has wanted to be an anthropologist since she was twelve. In the season finale, Zod makes his first full bodied appearance on the series, along with a large number of other Kryptonians who are later revealed to be clones created as part of an old experiment. Japanese | The white formal clothes are often luminescent. Phonetic/universal scripts | Fictional alphabets | Christine Schreyer, who spent years teaching courses on constructed languages such as Star Treks Klingon and Avatars Navi, is one of the first to create her own. It is not a God, but a descendant of one. On the planet Krypton, whose parent star has often been depicted as an ancient red supergiant with a relatively low energy output, their natural abilities were the same as humans. Kryptonian In 2000 DC Comics introduced a transliteration alphabet containing symbols for each of the letters of the English alphabet. Alex McDowell production designer for Man of Steel is famous for developing these really intense worlds with so much backstory to them There was so much culture and land that I got to see. Learn from Jax-Ur who valued his name more than the truth. In the world of Superman & Lois (which takes place on an unnamed Earth that is different from Prime-Earth), Superman's older maternal half-brother Tal-Rho (operating with the alias of Morgan Edge) was also sent to Earth by his father Zeta-Rho in an evacuation rocket but became embittered by his negative first contacts with humanity and became a villain. Does the Mint really want to make coins? said Schreyer. in a war with the Green Lantern Corps. The shape of the writing system, which was tied to the shape of the planet and how the world was imagined, also impacted the [spoken] language.. For the 2013 film, Man of Steel, linguistic anthropologist Christine Schreyer was brought in to develop a new and unique writing system and spoken language for Krypton, unrelated to any previous depictions of Kryptonian. In Smallville, Clark Kent initially believes himself to be the last survivor of Krypton. Superpowered Kryptonians are vulnerable to kryptonite, radioactive remnants of Krypton, magic and solar radiation from red and orange suns. In the first stories about Superman's origins, all Kryptonians possess on their homeworld the same powers Superman has on Earth. When exposed to a young yellow star like Earth's Sun, which is much smaller than their own sun and with a vastly higher energy output, their bodies are able to absorb and process so much energy that it manifests as vast superhuman powers (such as superhuman strength, superhuman speed, invulnerability, flight, x-ray vision, heat vision and superhuman senses). [1] Some stories also maintain that Kryptonians have bioelectric fields that surround their bodies and protect them from harm[2] and which are the means by which Kryptonians fly. She helped Clark on Earth until her death a short time after her escape from the Phantom Zone. Moderator list hidden. Schreyer began her journey quite young she has wanted to . In Supergirl, some of the elements, like their black clothing and telepathy, was retained except that the shields featured a different letter, indicating a different House other than Zor-El's. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); six loraxo (Kryptonian months) per amzet (Kryptonian year). In 2000 DC Comics introduced a transliteration alphabet containing In Season Six, Clark discovers his father's assistant Raya was spared by being placed in the Phantom Zone, with her body intact. The two symbols found in the story of Kryptonian are glyphs and syllabic writing systems. Translating "Superman" - Zack Snyder actually commissioned the creation of an artificial language for the Kryptonians in Man of Steel that we barely even see on screen. Tactile scripts | 0.99 seconds per thrib (31,556,952 seconds/year * 1.37 years/amzet * one amzet/43,800,000 thrib), 1.65 minutes per dendar (525949.2 minutes/year * 1.37 years/amzet * one amzet/438,000 dendar), 2.74 hours per wolu (8765.82 hours/year * 1.37 years/amzet * one amzet/4,380 wolu), 1.14 days per zetyar (365.2425 days/year * 1.37 years/amzet * one amzet/438 zetyar). The language appears in writing Clark Kent. In ancient times, they were a race in the midst of an era of expansion, travelling to other worlds via scout ships in order to colonize them. I have been very much fascinated with what you were able to do with the language, taking it to the next level of complexity. In graduate school, she compared the oral stories of the Chapleau Cree First Nation to records from the Hudsons Bay Company and worked with the Loon River Cree and Taku River Tlingit First Nations. All Rights Reserved. In "Hostile Takeover" more Kryptonians, led by Astra's husband Non, surfaced on Earth preparing for take over of the planet, and came prepared to counter the kryptonite weapons with anti-kryptonite body armor. A subreddit dedicated to the unofficial Kryptonian language project whose goal is the creation of a spoken and written Kryptonian language. Superman speaks multiple languages, including Spanish, French, and Italian. Thus, 1.676 Kryptonian years equals 2.294 Earth years, or 1 Kryptonian year equals roughly 1.37 Earth years. Breeding between Kryptonian explorers and this race created a new Kryptonian hybrid race that could interbreed with a larger number of humanoid racesincluding Earth humans. And in SUPERGIRL #8 we learn that he is self-conscious about his accent around native speakers, such as his cousin Supergirl. It's a very interesting coincidence that there is such a correspondence between the Kryptonian alphabet and the English alphabet. Fans (including Schreyer) were holding out for a fully-developed Kryptonian dictionary that Warner Brothers had hinted at making possible, but the DC Universe has since moved on. Being on set while making the language brought Schreyer physically to the land of Krypton as imagined, and helped her make decisions when forming new words and the writing system. Turniansky, Al. Thanks! In the animated film Superman: Unbound Brainiac abducted and shrunk the people of both Kandor and Argo City from Krypton. The six loraxo (months) were: Belyuth, Ogtal, Ullhah, Eorx, Hefralt and Norzec. In Superman, teenage Clark discovers who he is in the Fortress of Solitude, where a hologram of Jor-El tells him, "You are the only survivor of the planet Krypton." At least, as close any of us will ever get. are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another Consider in all of that time in space they surely have come across other species and utilized translation technology allowing them to broadcast in multiple languages simultaneously. When it comes to subtitles, most fans prefer that to having to understand a foreign language or having to read multiple subtitles. Initially powerless due to their cells having been treated with blue kryptonite radiation, these clones later gain powers when Clark is forced to provide Zod with a sample of his blood to heal him after he is shot, Zod using this blood to empower his followers. I know it so much that I was recognizing some of the typos in the books from a few months back. First Barsoom story serialized under the Moons of Mars in 1912 and published as a novel 'A Princess of Mars' in 1917. Moderators. In Legion of Super Heroes, the citizens of Kandor, Superman and his clone Superman-X, might all be considered surviving Kryptonians. I love Languages are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. Wonder Woman and Black Adam hide the tyrannical nature of the Regime from Supergirl and train her to use her powers in secret, though Brainiac attacks Earth after being alerted to Kal-El's survival due to his Regime's supporting the Sinestro Corps. Kryptonian | Smallville Wiki | Fandom })(); This website is home to the unofficial Kryptonian language project started in 2003 by Darren Doyle, and has grown to encompass information on all the various depictions of Kryptonian. from the squiggles. The child was attached to Clark's ship in the form of a cocoon; on Earth it assumed a human form and became known as Davis Bloome, but would periodically assume its true form: the monster Doomsday. While the other Kryptonians receive great strength and speed from Earth's sun, they require solar-suits to regulate the radiation and avoid being stricken by pain. Towards the end of the season, after Dru and Ursas son from the future Lor-Zod frees them from the zone, they try to conquer Earth with their Kryptonian allies but fail and most are sent back to the Phantom Zone except Ursa who was saved by the Eye of Ekron and taken to Daxam and Lor-Zod who was killed. Brainiac destroys Metropolis reminding Superman of his past failure, causing him to attack the ship with all his might, only to be seemingly killed by Brainiac. There is a rule from DC Comics that says it is illegal to listen to the spoken form of the K-9. But it's a lot further from completion than the other versions since it was barely used or seen. Click over to the Man of Steel Kryptonian Writing page for a detailed breakdown of the writing including a downloadable chart, as well as the phonology of the language. 1 Edgar Rice Burroughs created it. Malay & Indonesian | As a result, I must be imaginative when referring to the fictional world of Kryptonian. Our accents are now considered British in the EU, with Imperial Standard speech being spoken as such. This means I earn a commission if you click on any of them and buy something. *"and where we had thought to bealone, we shall be with all theworld.". The creation of a Kryptonian language requires that one bring together many inconsistencies with minimal "deconstruction" of canonized material. Failed clones of Superman (the mentally handicapped Bizarro and the monstrous Doomsday) and Supergirl (the sociopathic Galatea) are later created. The abilities of Kryptonians evolve and grow more powerful as Kryptonians age and develop. It's a fun badge of honor to show off my geek cred, and it comes in handy when there's Kryptonian dialogue in the comics (like the recent Superman annual with Swamp Thing). Supermans S is an example of an ideogram that means hope. Its also the symbol for his house line, El. Schreyer and her team developed a series of glyphs embedded with deeper meaning that fans could generate for themselves online in a glyph creator. Supergirl is horrified to learn her cousin approves of Wonder Woman's actions, though he believes it would be best to deal with Harley after Brainiac is dealt with. The Phantom Zone also appears in one episode. The third season reveals that Alura and the populace of Argo City survived Krypton's destruction due to Alura's husband Zor-El's energy shield. For now you can see her work-in-progress on this Google Doc. Superman was always a leader, but he is no longer the focal point of the League. Spanish | The aesthetic for the Kryptonian historical culture is based largely on the Silver and Bronze age depictions of Kryptona world with a violent past, strong family culture, ruled by a science council, and full of wonders. The term originated from the stories of DC Comics superhero, Superman. A multi-dimensional defeat. In general, Superman will want to learn a minimum of 15 extra languages, in addition to English, Interlac, and Kryptonese/Kryptonian. In 2011, Warner Brothers approached Schreyer to develop the Kryptonian language for Man of Steel. ( Colour-based scripts | Also, the inhabitants of the planet Daxam are descendants of Kryptonians who long ago ventured into space and settled on another planet. Supergirl reveals to Batman the House of El's S symbol is supposed to be a symbol of hope; though her cousin turned it into a symbol of fear, Batman, however, states that its meaning is determined by the one who wears it and tells her of how he and Superman used to fight for justice as members of the Justice League, before offering her a chance to do the same, having earned Batman's trust. On Earth-Two, the Kryptonian Val-Zod (Superman) survive Krypton, along with Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr (Supergirl). That's pretty cool how they did that! Needless to say, finding all of the relevant material, let alone getting a coherent grasp of it, is a difficult and daunting task. Supermans death has left many people, including the Justice League, in a state of shock. However, many less widely spoken languages are facing endangerment or extinction. Why Man Of Steel's Kryptonian Language Was A Bad Idea However, his father Jor-El's memories remains sentient in the mysterious Kawatche Caves and Fortress of Solitude an disembodied AI, and the disembodied spirit of Zod is similarly sentient albeit trapped in the Phantom Zone. Kal-El, the name given to Superman by his adoptive Earth name, Clark Kent, is an adaptation of that. an artificial language for the Kryptonians in Man of Steel. If real endangered languages like Kala or Southern Haida became as cool to learn as Kryptonian, teaching them would be a lot easier. These three were the surviving Kryptonians, who became Earth's heroes. Dax-Ur is killed soon after by Brainiac., A guide to the Kryptonian language var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; Zack Snyder actually commissioned the creation of an artificial language for the Kryptonians in Man of Steel that we barely even see on screen. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. The stories also use "Kryptonian" as an adjective to refer to anything created by or associated with the planet itself or the cultures that existed on it. The Light has Klarion hunt down all the Kryptonians in the zone and has the dozens of them in stasis aboard The Warworld with Apokolips acquiring Kara Zor-El as a member of their army. Only when youre telling someone you love them or when youre talking about something with them can you use /:zhaoodh khuhp w rraop/. (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) For most of Superman's published history, Kryptonian writing was represented by random, alien-looking squiggles. Under the guidance of Zeta-Rho's A.I. In the One Earth Regime universe featured in Injustice: Gods Among Us and Injustice 2, Krypton is attacked by the rogue Coluan scientist Brainiac. In Superman's story mode ending, Batman is defeated, though Superman spares him due to not wanting him to become a martyr. You know, a lot of the changes I did to that alphabet for my writing system [PDF] (which is a full writing system and not just a font substitution) were based off of being able to hand-write the letters. Minionese Spoken by the Minions in the Despicable Me. One of Astra's operatives, Vartox, was ordered to sabotage the Department of Extra-Normal Operations by causing a plane crash that was thwarted by Supergirl (when she realized her sister Alex Danvers, a DEO member, was on board), and to alert Astra that Kara survived the explosion and now has come into discovering her powers. Superman murders the Joker and establishes a tyrannical government called the One Earth Regime. In Young Justice, it was believed Superman (Kal-El) was the sole survivor of Kryptons destruction by its exploding star Rao with exceptions being his half-Kryptonian, half-human clone Superboy and his son with Lois Lane Jonathan. In addition to the block font, I had a handwriting font for a long time, but I haven't maintained itI should probably update that! Kryptonian is a little like Japanese, with both an older system of symbols or glyphs akin to kanji, as well as a syllabic writing system similar to hiragana and katakana. I never realized this before, but Superman is an L2 speaker of Kryptonian! The Daxamites remain that way up through the 31st century. 1970s E. Nelson Bridwell created an alphabet of 118 letters, Kryptonese, Kryptonese is the official language of Krypton . While the alphabet is used to write the majority of the language, the ideograph is largely used to represent its bound morphology (e.g., verb tenses, particles, and adpositions). They are artificially grown in "genesis chambers" using information from the Codex, a skull containing the entire genetic code of the Kryptonian race. The society is highly pragmatic and the Kryptonians seen were surprised and displeased with Clark's unwillingness to kill. 146. In Batman/Superman #2, the Dark Knight surprises Superman by revealing that he can speak the language of his alien homeworld. It's best they learn the 2nd most used language here. 100 dendaro (Kryptonian minutes) per wolu (Kryptonian hour). This phrase (assumably) derives from something more formal and grammatical, such as have sweet dreams or sweet dreams to you, so the next few words will have variations. The Kryptonian grammar is off in a couple of places, too but it's not terrible. Kara also mentions a rumor that Kandor survived the destruction of their home planet but it is never revealed whether this is true. How to submit a constructed script. Schreyers background in reviving and protecting endangered languages made her the perfect candidate to create an imaginary language with one big difference. The world of Krypton was so lavishly imagined by the production designer for Man of Steel that she gained important evidence from visiting the movie set and by studying other pre-existing texts. Why Man Of Steel's Kryptonian Language Was A Bad Idea - ScreenRant bukhush wai zhehd ki zhaulivahzh w tiv shokh zw ehworahzh ,Kal,Ik, kaokypzhrriges rraopo w mir fehl i tiv zhrrig rahn, zah nahn tiv shokh i tiv iahzhrrim w tiv girod i tiv iahzhrrim. Jor-El launched the Phantom Zone projector into space on 30 Ogtal 10000. Barsoomian is the constructed language of the fictional wise inhabitants of Mars. In the 1970s, E. Nelson Bridwell attempted to rationalize these squiggles into a 118-letter alphabet, referring to the language as "Kryptonese". Unsurprisingly, they both learned English. 27. No one can answer all of these questions. Pretty cool! The letters used to represent a pronunciation are referred to as pronounced words. Doyle Kryptonians short phrase refers to a good dream because he does not have a word for sweet. [The glyph creator] would ask you a series of four questions, like, do you have a good sense of morality, perception or adventure? Kind of like a little personality quiz, said Schreyer.

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kryptonian spoken language