sahaba and their qualities

While some scholars consider "Sahaby", any one who just witnessed the Prophet, even once, and irrespective of his age others insist that such a person should be of adult age and should have at least two years of companionship of the Prophet. One of the fundamental beliefs of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama`ah that at times distinguishes them from heretics is their belief in the Companions of the Prophet (saws) and all that has been mentioned about their virtues, merits and characteristics in the Qur'an and Sunnah. That is because Allaah has praised them in His Book and they were also praised by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) as is narrated in the books of Sunnah. The hadith quoted above[n][o] shows ranks of abah, tbi'n, and tbi' at-tbi'n. Sad Ibn Abi Waqqas He was one of the blessed ten and the last of them to pass away. Studying these definitions will clarify for us the position of many people like Imam Al-Bukhary who used his definition of the word Sahaba to accept many of the false and fabricated Hadiths that were included in his book, Sahih Al-Bukhary. All Rights Reserved. We are only listring them to give them no excuse, using their own language. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Come, let me write for you a document after which you will not go astray. Umar said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is overcome with pain, and you have the Quran; the Book of Allah is sufficient for us. Introduction: The Sahabah Radiallahu anhum had many outstanding qualities. Abu Sufyan told his troops to ask the name of the person sitting next to each soldier. [5:54] O you who believe, if you revert from your religion, then GOD will substitute in your place people whom He loves and who love Him. I hope that you can explain the virtue of the Sahaabah and what distinguishes them from others?. Some of you were apt to listen to them. GOD is Omnipotent. Fathima She is the leader of the women of Paradise. The companions of Prophet Muhammad endured extreme hunger, cold and heat. The incident grieved the Sahabas a lot. With the 2210 hadiths she reported, she is fourth in rank among the seven Sahaba who reported the most hadiths. Turkey Earthquake Appeal - Emergency Aid for Victims. Rather, when the dates finished they would crush withered leaves and swallow them with water to satisfy their hunger. Listen to the words of Allaah (interpretation of the meaning): Indeed, Allaah was pleased with the believers when they gave the Bayah (pledge) to you (O Muhammad) under the tree, He knew what was in their hearts, and He sent down AsSakeenah (calmness and tranquillity) upon them, and He rewarded them with a near victory. Whenever you want to pursue the truth and verify anything you hear about Islam, we urge you to please use the only valid and divine source of Islam, The definition of Imam Al-Bukhary : Bukhary defined the Sahaby (single of Sahaba) as the one who was in the company of the prophet Muhammed or just SEEN him. Belief in the good character and virtue of the Sahaabah is the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah. Hence he was straightforward and clear. Say, "The fire of Hell is much hotter," if they could only comprehend. There are tens of Hadiths listed in the books of Bukhary and Muslim, that show how some of these "Sahabas" were rebellious against God commandments and the Prophet. Add a comment. the laws of inheritance. This is the same example as in the Torah. 2. In fact, they are evildoers, but they do not perceive. He came to be known as Abu Hurairah out of his love for kittens and had a pet cat who he used to feed and clean. [49:14] The Aarabs said, "We are Mu'mens (believers)." Narrated by Ibn Abd al-Barr in al-Jaami, no. GOD promises THOSE AMONG THEM who believe, and lead a righteous life, forgiveness and a great recompense.". It is because of their efforts that the Islamic traditions have been preserved and handed down generation after generation without any fabrication. However, you can recognize them by the way they talk. And there are other cases in which some of the Sahaabah committed sins, then Allaah, may He be exalted, pardoned them and forgave them, which is indicative of their virtue and honour and that cannot be undermined by any mistake that they made during the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) or after he died. From the traditions (hadith) of the life of Muhammad and his companions are drawn the Muslim way of life (sunnah), the code of conduct (sharia) it requires, and the jurisprudence (fiqh) by which Muslim communities should be regulated. Majmoo al-Fataawa, 4/434. had many qualities in their lives. Is Saudi Arabia considering cancelling Hajj 2020, Meaning and Explanation of 99 Names of Allah -Part 5 (Seeking help with Asma ul Husna ) Series. Rather, the history of the companions of Prophet Muhammad should be read with the intention that they will help us observe and understand how to behave in society. Their hearts are full of doubt, and their doubts cause them to waver.". In their minds there is a disease. Definition of Sahaba: Anybody who met the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), believed in him and died a believer. He once narrated that all the Sahabas used to ask the Messenger of Allah about good while I used to ask him about evil for the fear that it would overtake me. Moreover, he was one of the Sahabas who migrated to Abyssinia with the second delegation. Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf He was the wealthiest Sahabi and was extremely generous. [Men and Women around the Messenger, Khaalid Muhammad Khaalid, Dar Al Manarah. To witness the political corruption of Bukhary in reporting hadiths that would serve his views and please his masters (Abbasyeen then) is to witness the corruption that God described 6:112-113 in action. Indeed, it is the devil's wish to lead them far astray. The Sealed Nectar -Prophet Muhammads SAW biography Free PDF, Fortress of Muslim -Book of Invocations Free Pdf. Forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in Faith, and put not in our hearts any hatred against those who They died together in Yamama. //]]>, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023. Hudhaifa Ibn al Yamman was not only talented but trustworthy. In view of such admonitions, the Shia have different views on each abiyy, depending on what they accomplished. Yazeed Ibn Abi Sufyan He was the elder brother of Muawiyah and considered more righteous than him. He once helped the Muslims of Madaa'in find a suitable place to settle in and his search brought him to Kufa, hence laying the foundation of a future inhabitant city. You can get 10 of our Islamic worksheets at only $19. Those who saw him but held off believing in him until after his passing are not considered ahbah but tbin. Umar Ibn al Khattab said about him on his deathbed "If Abu Ubaida Ibn Jarrah was alive, I would have entrusted him with the caliphate, and if Allah asked me about him, I would say, I assigned the caliphate to the trustworthy of Allah and His Prophet , Abu Ubaida Ibn Jarrah.". And those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. Follow us in our Social media Profiles: (facebook @islamhashtag), (instagram @islamhashtag ) and (pinterest @islamhashtag ). He knew what was in their hearts and, consequently, He blessed them with contentment, and He knows best who is fit to receive His Message and convey it to His slaves in a trustworthy and sincere manner, respecting the Sender and fulfilling his duties towards Him, patiently following His commands and showing gratitude for His blessings and drawing close to Him, and He knows who is not fit for that. The Sahaabah (r.a.a.) Safiyyah Bint Huyay She was the daughter of a Jewish Chief,and a descendant of Prophet Harun (AS). 'Abd al-Muttalib, Ubayd Allah b. al-Abbas b. Abd al-Muttalib, Umm Kulthum Daughter of Prophet Muhammad (s), Al-Mughira b. al-Harith b. Abd al-Muttalib, Righteousness of the Companions of the Prophet (s),, Articles with quality and priority assessment, Articles with no priority and b grade quality. [1], As verses 30-33 from Al-Azb, Shias believe their argument[where?] One third of the night was prayed by him, second third by his wife and last third by his daughter. The Quran which is the ultimate truth described some of those who witnessed the Prophet Muhammed , i.e. Ali Ibn Abi Talib He grew up in the Prophets (pbuh) home and accepted Islam when he was ten years old. GOD will never permit the disbelievers to prevail over the believers. "So my friend and I made a supplication to God before Abu Hurairah did and the Prophet began to say Ameen to our dua. When someone is admitted in the presence of a ruler, he falsely agrees with whatever is said and commends the ruler for what he has not done; that is sedition. You see them bowing and prostrating, as they seek GOD's blessings and approval. The majority of Sunni scholars believe that all the prophet's companions were just and righteous individuals (dil), and hence, any mistakes they made or crimes they committed were because of an error in their individual ijtihad. During the battle of Uhud, he sensed the potential threat to the Prophet's life. The leader of mankind, the foremost among the Messengers and Prophets, also testified to their virtue. [63:4-5] When you see them, you may be impressed by their looks. Their good or bad deed will not benefit any of us but will only benefit or harm them. Narrated by Ahmad in al-Musnad (1/379). Wiping his nose with one of them, he said, "Wow! 20 Places to visit in Madina munawara, Ziyarat Places in Madina. The second quality which the Sahaba possessed was the quality of Solah with concentration and devotion. If these were the conditions of the people who lived and witnessed the Prophet Muhammed and learned their Islam (Submission) first hand from him, how can we expect the conditions of those who lived after his death ?! After becoming a Muslim his main concern was to convince his mother to become a Muslim. Umm Khulthoom She married Uthman Ibn Affan after her sister passed away. They have incurred a painful retribution. They do not accept that the testimony of nearly all abah is an authenticated part of the chain of narrators in a hadith and that not all the abah were righteous just because they saw or were with Muhammad. I will be told that "You do not know what they invented after you. GOD rewards those who are appreciative.". The corrupted scholars and their blind followers disregarded what God said in the Quran and uphold these fabricated hadiths. The first 4 caliphs, who are the ab held in highest esteem among Sunni Muslims, are part of a group of 10 Companions to . Ikrimah Ibn Abi Hakam He was the son of Abu Jahl, and died a martyr at Yarmook. He was one of the several companions of Prophet Muhammad who learnt his manners under the Prophet's guidance. Aisha Bint Abi Bakr She narrated more Hadiths than any other woman and was a great scholar of Islam. When their debating and argument in the presence of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) became too much, the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Get up and leave.. Abdullah bin Salama said: A Muslim asked Mu'aadh Ibn Jabal: Teach me. Anyone who turns back on his heels, does not hurt GOD in the least. The materials of this world, compared to the Hereafter, are nil. Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah He was known as the trustworthy man of this ummah and was chosen to lead the Muslim armies by Umar Ibn Al-Khattab. [12], The Shia[13][14] as well as some Sunni scholars like Javed Ahmad Ghamidi and Amin Ahsan Islahi state that not every individual who met or had accidentally seen Muhammad can be considered a companion. She did so and was buried in Cyprus. 'Abbas b. He was named Abdul Rehman by the Prophet Muhammad . window.__mirage2 = {petok:"JX_2kxahgo8pNCP_FlUcvP8FMNcOKtPCEK1gwRgOroc-1800-0"}; Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq He was the Prophets (pbuh) chosen companion for the Hijrah. He used his vigorous strength, bold intellect, and far-sighted wisdom for the sake of Islam and for the empowerment of Muslims. The support that the Sahaabah gave to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) at any given moment for the sake of this religion cannot be matched. The position that Bukhary took in elevating people who were hypocrites and wicked to the level of Sahaba by his corrupted definition helped nothing but to corrupt the book that he called SAHIH (Authentic). This is how Prophet Muhammad praised this Sahabi. The Quranic Truth About the Prophet's Sahaba - All companions are assumed to be just (udul) unless they are proven otherwise; that is, Sunni scholars do not believe that companions would lie or fabricate hadith unless they are proven liars, untrustworthy or opposed to Islam. Fatima Bint Sajid is a young aspiring student of Medicine from Karachi, Pakistan. Though he only accompanied the Prophet Muhammad during the last four years of his life, he had the honor of performing the most prominent task of preserving the religion by his formidable memory in the form of ahadith. If they saw him, heard him, or were in his presence even briefly, they are companions. Here we witness politics influencing what hadiths to report and what to omit (those praising Ali Ibn Abu Talib). Sahaba-e-Akraam RadiAllah anhu were accepted because of their Sifat. They have been made Saints by the ignorant and traditional Muslims alike. Pakistani actress Anum Fayyaz has decided to quit showbiz industry and follow more of an Islamic lifestyle. The virtue of the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) The verse 9:100 of the Quran is acknowledged as the strongest verse which praises the Muhajireen and the Ansaar Sahabas and declares that Allah is pleased with them due to their sacrifices for Islam. Once Umar Ibn Al Khattab visited him when he was the governor of Syria, his house had no furniture not to mention that the room in which he slept only had a sword, saddle bag and a shield. When they meet the believers, they say, "We believe," but when alone with their devils, they say, "We are with you; we were only mocking. GOD is fully aware of all your works. [9:78] Do they not realize that GOD knows their secrets, and their conspiracies, and that GOD is the Knower of all secrets? The virtue of any deeds is to be judged by the results and consequences. We will double the retribution for them, then they end up committed to a terrible retribution. Why would Umar (RA) disobey the prophet anyway? "The Prophet said: 'Ameen.' That belief must be manifested in our actions and to follow the Sahaba also means to possess their other characteristics, some of which have been identified by our scholars as: The full acceptance of the Revelation GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do. Mu'aadh advocated seeking true knowledge. that one must discriminate between the virtues of the companions by verses relating to Muhammad's wives. This page was last edited on 19 November 2022, at 06:58. His participation in the Battle of Badr is questioned by some historians; he is known to have fought in 19 battles (including Badr) under command of Muhammad and was a trusted Sahabi. He accepted Islam at the hands of Tufayl ibn Amr, the chief of Daws tribe. [49:17] They act as if they are doing you a favor by embracing Submission! The most widespread definition of a companion is someone who met Muhammad, believed in him, and died a Muslim. May Allah accept it from us and benefit you through our articles and resources. Also, he is recognised as the Sahaba with the most count of hadith relating to Hajj. The Shia further argue that the righteousness of abah can be assessed by their loyalty towards Muhammad's family after his death and they accept hadith from the Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt, believing them to be cleansed from sin through their interpretation of the Quran[l] and the hadith of the Cloak. A Sahabi is one who has met Prophet Muhammad , believed in what he preached and died as a Muslim. Hudhaifa hurriedly asked the soldier next to him what his name was, thus securing his position without any fight. Die as a true Muslim. Some Muslims assert that they were more than 200,000 in number: it is believed that 124,000 witnessed the Farewell Sermon Muhammad delivered after making Farewell Pilgrimage to Mecca. He had a raw talent of articulation, when he talked, people were spell-bound. So God infuriates the disbelievers through them; God promises forgiveness and a great reward to those who believe and do righteous deeds.. Thank you for your support. While paying the due respect to all the great Sahabas who carried the banner of Islam (Submission) at its birth we cannot agree with the what the traditional Muslims teach about all the sahabas being good. Surely, Allaah is OftForgiving, Most Forbearing. Hamza Ibn Abdul Mutallib -He was the uncle of the Prophet (pbuh). See 25:30. "GOD mocks them, and leads them on in their transgressions, blundering. Whatever sins or mistakes any of them may have made maybe overlooked in comparison to the honour of accompanying the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and they were forgiven and pardoned. Abu Sufyan He fought against Islam most of his life, eventually converted and from his progeny came the first Muslim dynasty.

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sahaba and their qualities